Document Texts

[About Texts and Documents]

[To Part Management] [To Handle Inventory] [To Inventory Financial Control] [To Handle Inventory]

[To Manage Purchase] [To Supplier Management] [To Initiate Purchase] [To Manage Purchase] [To Procurement, Supplier Schedules] [To Receipt] [To Supplier Quotation Management] [To Supplier Agreement Management] [To Price Management, Procurement] [To Follow-up and Analysis, Procurement]

[To Customer Management] [To Manage Customer Order] [To Manage Sales Quotation] [To Sales, Customer Schedules] [To Manage Sales Quotation] [To Manage Customer Order] [To Follow-up and Analysis, Sales] [To Sales, Service Management] [To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery] [To Service Quotation]


Use this dialog box to enter document texts that will be printed on the chosen document. These can either be general texts or standard phrases.

Document texts can be added to different types of documents such as customer orders, customer invoices, purchase orders and service quotations. The connection can be made either with the document header or with individual lines, but this ability varies according to the type of document. Some documents accommodate text only in the header and some only in the lines.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Maintain Sales Part
Create and Maintain Sales Part, CTO
Create and Maintain Purchased Inventory Part
Create and Maintain Purchase Part
Create and Maintain Supplier For Purchase Part
Create and Maintain Package Part
Create and Maintain Manufactured Inventory Part
Perform quality inspection and handle discrepancies
Handle material requisition
Move into stock
Move into inspection location

General Supplier Information
BDR for Supplier Schedule
BDR for charges
BDR for purchase charges/landed costs
Handle supplier agreement Quotation/a>
Re-negotiate supplier agreement
Manage supplier prices
Manage supplier discounts
Manage purchase charges/landed costs
Manage fixed supplier additions
Handle purchase requisition, automatic order processing
Handle purchase requisition
Handle purchase order, basic flow
Handle purchase order
Handle express purchase requisition
Handle arrival
Re-inspection of receipts
Prepare material

General Customer Information
Create shipment
Create customer returns
Approve customer returns
Return or scrap customer returns
Complete customer returns
Deny customer returns
Manage Service Quotation


Enter document text
Enter document text for line
Enter document text for service quotation