Maintenance Planning Board Client

[About Scheduling with Maintenance Planning Board] [About Operational Plans]

[To Work Order Planning] [To PM Planning]


Use this window to work with all aspects of a work order and preventive maintenance schedule interactively. The Maintenance Planning Board (MPB) client has following areas/controls.

There are two different modes of scheduling of work orders and preventive maintenance actions using Maintenance Planning Board; Scheduling and Simulation. In Simulation mode, users can perform various "what if" analysis. The schedule created in simulation mode is only for analysis and can not be saved back to the database. But can be saved to a file for later simulation work. In scheduling mode, planners can actually perform the scheduling and create the schedule by saving it back to the database for actual use. It is also possible to save the schedule to a data file in both scheduling and simulation mode. These data files can only be opened when Maintenance Planning Board in simulation mode.

You can use the main menu, right click options and the toolbar to open a variety of other windows, including Color Palette, Schedule Settings, Plot Settings, Create, Object List, Change Schedule, Search, Tree Search and Connection Information. The right click options menu displays only the options that are available for the currently selected object.

An error message will appear during interactive scheduling if a problem is encountered.

Activity Diagrams

Schedule with Maintenance Planning Board


Schedule Work Orders/PM Action Occurrences/Work Tasks/Work Lists Automatically or Using Drag-and-Drop
Load Work Order and/or PM Actions
Schedule Resource Breaks
Save Schedule to Database
Switch to Simulation Mode
Load Saved Simulation File
Simulate Scheduling Orders or Order Structures using Drag-and-Drop or Insert
Highlight Options
Search Options
Show Options
Copy ID to Clip Board
Sort Options
Schedule Compress
Schedule Just-in-Time
Define Scheduling Scenario
Assign Plot setting and Sorting Options for scenarios
Load Scheduling scenarios
Delete Scheduling scenario


Options available in the Menu Bar

The File menu contains menu items that affect the entire application, including Exit.

Open Menu

Database Open: Click this button to read data from the database.

File Open: Click this option to read data from a file. (Not available in scheduling mode).

Save Menu

Database Save: Click this option to save schedule to the database. (Not active in simulation mode)

File Save: Click this option to save schedule to the file.

File Save As: Click this option to save schedule to a different file.

Connection Statistics: Click this option to view information about the connection to the database. Further it contains the time consumed for different action when loading data from database.

Clear All: This will delete all the objects loaded into MPB client.

Set Application Run Mode: Planner can switch to simulation or scheduling mode  or simulation mode in MPB.

Switch to Simulation Mode: Select this option to switch to simulation mode from scheduling mode. Possibilities are within the simulation mode and planner can simulate scheduling with more flexibilities as well. File saving is only enabled in this mode.

Switch to Scheduler Mode: Select this option to switch to scheduler mode from simulation mode. Simulation capabilities are limited. (Some new object creations and data modifications are limited). Created Schedule can be saved back to the database.

Open Workspace: Select this option to open previously saved workspace (Objects, workspace settings like their sizes and plot settings will be available once open).

Save Workspace: Select this option to save the current workspace to a file (Objects, workspace settings like their sizes and plot settings will be saved)

Save Workspace As: Select this option to save the current workspace to a new file. (Objects, workspace settings like their sizes and plot settings will be saved)

Exit: Current session will end and workspace settings will be saved back to the register. Next time when the planner log on to same site, workspace settings which was there at the earlier application exit point will be restored.

Tools Menu

Scheduling Statistics: Displays statistics about the current schedule upon clicking.

Snapshot Schedule: Takes a snapshot of the schedule upon clicking and then stores it.

Show Resource Load: Use this option to show resources loaded more than a certain percentage during a given time span.

Export: Use this option to export selected information from selected objects to Microsoft Excel or to a data file.

View Most Recent Error Messages: This will open up window containing recent error or information messages raised.

Palette: This will open up the color palette. Use drag and drop feature to color objects.

Settings: This will open up scheduling settings dialog.

Gantt Chart Menu

Scroll Left: Select this to navigate to the left of the Gantt chart.

Scroll Right: Select this to navigate to the right of the Gantt chart.

Zoom Out: Selecting this will zoom out the Gantt chart

Zoom In: Selecting this will zoom in the Gantt chart.

Rename: This will rename the current Gantt chart.

Window Menu

Data Tree View: Displays the Data Tree upon clicking.

Gantt Chart: Displays a Gantt chart upon clicking.

Cascade: Cascades all windows within the main window upon clicking.

Tile Horizontal: Tile multiple Gantt charts in horizontal manner.

Close All: Close all open Gantt charts.

Currently Open Gantt Chart Titles: This section will display currently open Gantt charts names.

Help Menu

Contents: This will open up the online help.

About: This will open up a window containing copyright information, current version and build date.

Toolbar - Shortcuts

Database Open: Click this button to read data from the database.

File Open: Click this option to read data from a file. (Not available in scheduling mode).

Database Save: Click this option to save schedule to the database. (Not active in simulation mode)

File Save: Click this option to save schedule to the file.

Connection Statistics: Click this option to view information about the connection to the database. Further it contains the time consumed for different action when loading data from database.

Data Tree View: Displays the Data Tree upon clicking.

Gantt Chart: Displays a Gantt chart upon clicking.

Tile Windows: Tiles all windows within the main window upon clicking.

Cascade Windows: Cascades all windows within the main window upon clicking.

Scheduling Statistics: Click this to option to view information about the scheduling and its current situation

Show Highlighted Objects: Displays the list of selected objects upon clicking.

Clear Highlights:: Clears all highlighted selections of objects upon clicking.

Take a Snapshot of the Schedule: Takes a snapshot of the schedule upon clicking and then stores it.

Settings: Displays the Settings dialog box. It is possible to set Scheduling settings, Plot settings, Drag and Drop scheduling settings and settings for scenarios.

Toggle Tool Tips: Select this option if it is required to show tool tip all the time

Search for Maintenance Work: This option will give advance alternative for the navigator work order and PM action occurrences search where it is possible to specify more criteria for navigator search.