Resource Breaks

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Use this window to view information about all individual breaks and collections of breaks in the schedule. A resource break is a non-operation event that affects the availability of a resource.

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This window contains:

Resource Breaks: The resource breaks object represents the compilation of all individual breaks and collections of breaks in the schedule.

Status: The combined statuses of all of the individual breaks and collections of breaks in the schedule.  The colors represent the possible status, either  Incomplete, Resources Assigned, Firm Planned  and/or Tardy . The statuses Unscheduled, ScheduledNeed Rescheduling, Work Started  are not applicable for resource breaks. A button to the left of a status indicates that one or more schedule breaks are currently that status. Double-click the button to view the list of resource breaks for each status.

Start Date: The date and time when the earliest-starting individual break in the schedule will begin.

Finish Date: The date and time when the latest-finishing individual break in the schedule will end.