Load Work Orders and Preventive Maintenance/Additional Load Options MPB

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[To Work Order Planning] [To PM Planning]


Use this tab to define additional criteria to load work orders/PM action occurrences to the Maintenance Planning Board. It allows you to specify the work type, action, operational status, critical work, work leader, prepared by, and specific work orders by which you want to filter out work orders/PM action occurrences. In the Additional tab tab the criteria entered will be used, together with criteria entered in the other four tabs, for immediate loading of work orders/PM action occurrences as well as basic data into MPB.

Activity Diagrams

Schedule with Maintenance Planning Board


Load Work Order and/or PM Actions


This tab contains:

Work Type: If this check box is selected the work type set on the work order or PM action occurrence are available as a selection criteria for MPB load. This option allows multiple values to be entered.

Work Type Category: If this check box is selected the work orders or PM action occurrences connected to a certain work type within the specified category are available as a selection criteria for MPB load. This option allows multiple values to be entered.

Action: The action code set on work orders/PM action occurrences can be used as a filtering criteria for MPB load using this check box. This option allows multiple values to be entered.

Operational Status: The operational status filter criteria is used to filter work orders/PM action occurrences based on the operational status value set on the work order or PM action. This option allows multiple values to be entered.

Critical Work: If this check box is selected work orders/PM action occurrences can be filtered on the critical work check box on the activities. The values in the list are Critical and Non Critical.

Criticality: The work order/PM action occurrence connected to an equipment object with selected criticality will be loaded. This option allows multiple values to be entered.

Work Leader: If this check box is selected the work leader set on work orders can be chosen as a filtering criteria for MPB load. This option allows multiple values to be entered. This is not applicable for PM action occurrences.

Prepared By: The information about who in the organization that prepared the work order/PM action occurrence can be used as a filtering criteria if this check box is selected. This option allows multiple values to be entered.

Work Orders: If this check box is selected you have the possibility to select specific work order/work orders to be included in the load of MPB. If selected the list will show work orders that are planned on the site/sites that the current session of MPB was started for. This is not applicable for PM action occurrences.

Work Task Maint Organization: This option, if selected, will give the possibility to filter on the maintenance organization that is set on specific tasks on a work order or PM action occurrence. If at least one task on a work order is assigned to the maintenance organization selected in this field, that work order will be loaded into MPB. Same logic applies for PM action occurrences. This option allows multiple values to be entered.

Work Task Scheduling Obstructive: This option, if selected, will give the possibility to filter on the scheduling obstructive value that is set on specific tasks on a work order or PM action occurrence. If at least one task on a work order is set as scheduling obstructive, that work order will be loaded into MPB if the option Obstructive is selected. If at least one task on a work order does not get the value scheduling obstructive, that work order will be loaded into MPB if the option NotObstructive is selected. Same logic applies for PM action occurrences. This option allows multiple values to be entered.