Cumulative Lead Time Calculation

[About DDMRP]

[To MFG Standard] [To Make to Stock Planning] [To Demand Driven MRP]


Use this dialog box to calculate the cumulative lead time of a specific part or all parts in a site.

Specify whether you want to perform a calculation for all parts in a site or for one part at a time. In either case, the lead time calculation only uses the default '*' alternate. Only alternates in the Planned or Buildable states are used. While this job is running it calculates the Unprotected lead time of a specific part or all parts in a site. Unprotected lead time for a single part, it looks just one level down and accumulates the lead time to the top. It does not consider the entire BOM structure. It evaluates whether the parts exist in a critical part of the product structure considering the unprotected lead time. Lead time category classification is also triggered for parts with planning method H.

Activity Diagrams

Manage routings
Calculate Buffer Levels


Calculate Cumulative and Unprotected Lead Time