Define Modification Part Records


This activity is used to associate modification codes with serials parts.


System Effects

Modification codes are linked to parts.


Define Modification
Modification Details

Related Window Descriptions

Define Modification/Assign Parts
Define Modification
Modification Details/Affected Parts
Modification Details


  1. Open the Define Modification window and either query for an existing modification code or create a new one. The code should be in Preliminary status.
  2. Click on the Assign Parts tab and create a new record.
  3. In the Part Number field, enter the number of the part you wish to assign to this modification code or select one from the List of Values.
  4. Save.
  5. Open the Modification Details window and query for the same modification code you used in the previous window.
  6. In the Part Number field you will see the number of the part you assigned.
  7. Click the Affected Parts tab and create a new record.
  8. In the Affected Part Number field, enter the number of a part which will be affected by the modification, or select one from the List of Values.
  9. Select an appropriate value from the list in the Sign Off field.
  10. Save.