Define Labor Class


This activity is used to define a labor class and the resources for a labor class. Labor classes are used for capacity planning, representing groups of labor, such as machine operators. Capacity calculation can be based on individuals or groups. For large groups it is recommended to use group as base for calculation and scheduling in order to enhance performance of the system. This is especially important when scheduling with Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS) server or Advanced Planning Board (APB), since all possible resource combinations will be evaluated.

The labor class can also be used for planning of maintenance and project activities in Resource Management. When CBS or APB is used for operation scheduling, labor class will also act as a constraint for operations (similar to work centers, tools and materials). CBS server or APB will load labor classes and connected persons and use them as constraints when scheduling operations.


To use capacity calculation based on individuals, persons need to be registered. If the person is already registered as a resource, the associated data is used. A person may be blocked or hidden as a person but still valid as a resource. In that case it is still possible to connect the person to the labor class.

If capacity calculation is based on group, no persons need to be registered.

System Effects


Manufacturing Labor Class
Manufacturing Labor Classes

Related Window Descriptions

Manufacturing Labor Class
Manufacturing Labor Class/Persons
Manufacturing Labor Class/Group
Manufacturing Labor Class/Cost
Manufacturing Labor Classes


From Manufacturing Labor Class window

  1. Open the Manufacturing Labor Class and click New.
  2. In the Labor Class field, using no more than 10 alphanumeric characters, enter the name of the labor class you want to create.
  3. Enter a description of the labor class in the Description field.
  4. In the Site field, select the site to which you want to connect the labor class. Click List of Values to select the site.
  5. Specify a calendar ID for the labor class. Click List of Values to select from available calendars. The site calendar appears as the default.
  6. In the Sched Capacity field, specify whether the type of schedule capacity used is finite or infinite.
  7. In the Capacity Calc Base field, specify whether the capacity calculation will be based on indiviuals or group. If set as Individuals, then the capacity of the group will be calculated based on the parameters defined on the Person tab. If set as Group, then the capacity of the group will be calculated based on the parameters defined on the Group tab.
  8. If desired, select a cost center ID from the List of Values.
  9. Save the new labor class record (F12).

Using Capacity Calculation Based on Individuals

  1. Open the Manufacturing Labor Class/Person tab. To add a person to the labor class, click New.
  2. In the Person ID field, select a person from the list of values.
  3. If desired, enter values in the Notes and Utilization fields.
  4. If you want to use the HR schedule as base for capacity calculation, select the Use HR Schedule check box.
  5. If you do not want to use the HR schedule as base for capacity calculation, specify a calendar ID for the person. Click List of Values to select from available calendars.
  6. In the Sched Capacity field, specify whether the type of schedule capacity used for the person is finite or infinite.
  7. Save the record.
  8. In Start Date enter the date from which the resource can be used.
  9. In End Date enter the last date on which the selected resource can be used. This field can be left blank if there is no known end date.
  10. In % in Group enter percentage of total work hours that the employee is available for this resource group. The default value is 100. The available percentage is used when calculating the capacity for the resource group based on individual resources. The total available percentage for an employee for all resource groups should not exceed 100.
  11. Repeat step 8-10 if resource availability differs over time.

Using Capacity Calculation Based on Group

  1. Open the Manufacturing Labor Class/Group tab. To add a new record, click New.
  2. If desired, enter the quantity to be used for capacity calculation in the Resource Quantity for Calculation field. Calculated capacity will equal Quantity x Available hours from calendar assigned to Company/Site.
  3. If desired, enter the utilization to be used to calculate utilization capacity in the Group Utilization (%) field.
  4. In Valid From field enter the date from which the capacity is valid for the resource group.
  5. If desired, enter the date until which the capacity is valid for the resource group in the Valid to field.


From Manufacturing Labor Classes window

  1. Open the Manufacturing Labor Classes window and click New.
  2. In the Labor Class field, using no more than 10 alphanumeric characters, enter the name of the labor class you want to create.
  3. Enter a description of the labor class in the Description field.
  4. In the Site field, select the site to which you want to connect the labor class. Click List of Values to select the site.
  5. Specify a calendar ID for the labor class. Click List of Values to select from available calendars. The site calendar appears as the default.
  6. If desired, select a cost center ID from the List of Values.
  7. In the Sched Capacity field, specify whether the type of schedule capacity used is finite or infinite.
  8. In the Capacity Calc Base field, specify whether the capacity calculation will be based on indiviuals or group. If set as Individuals, then the capacity of the group will be calculated based on the parameters defined on the Manufacturing Labor Class/Person tab. If set as Group, then the capacity of the group will be calculated based on the parameters defined on the Manufacturing Labor Class/Group tab.
  9. Save the new labor class record (F12).