Create Work Center


Use this activity to create and revise a work center. The information entered is used when working with operations, shop orders, master scheduling, MRP, and cost estimates. The work center is also a resource that can be used eg in project planning and maintenance.

Once a work center is created, can use the Setup Matrix tab to create a setup matrix. See Activity description for Create a Setup Matrix.

For outside work centers, a supplier can be entered, but it is not mandatory. If a supplier is entered for an outside work center, then this supplier will be used when creating a Purchase Requisitions or Purchase Orders for outside work centers.

The outside operation report level option is set as a default for outside operations using the outside work center. Updating the values on an outside work center will not change setting on previously created operations and routings using the same work center.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Work Center

Related Window Descriptions

Work Center
Work Center/Locations
Work Center/Characteristics


  1. Open the Work Center window.
  2. Click New on the toolbar.
  3. Type the short code of the work center in the Work Center field. This code can consist of up to five alphanumeric characters.
  4. Type a description of the work center in the Description field.
  5. In the Site field, specify the site at which the work center is to be used. Use the List of Values to select from available sites.
  6. Specify the work center's Queue Time.
  7. In the Work Center Code list box, specify whether the work center is internal or outside.
  8. Select a calendar for the work center in the Calendar ID field. Use the List of Values to select from available calendars. The site calendar appears as the default. Type the work center's percentage of use in the Utilization field. The default value is 100 percent. This value will affect how big share of the total work time defined in the calendar that will be considered available for scheduling by CRP and shop order infinite scheduler.
  9. Select a Unit of Measure to be used for the work center's capacity. If the work center's usage code is Active, its unit of measure must be Hours. If its usage code is Planned or Inactive you can use any unit of measure.
  10. In the Sched. Capacity list box, specify whether finite or infinite schedule capacity is to be used. This value will only affect operations scheduled by IFS/Advanced Planning Board, or IFS/Constraint Based Scheduling.
  11. Select the suitable value from the Outside Reserve/Backflush option to decide if reserve and/or backflush should be allowed further down in the reserve/backflush hierachy.
  12. If you want to link the work center to a production line, type the ID for the production line in the Production Line field in the Detail tab window. Use the List of Values to select from available production lines.
  13. If you want to link the work center to a cost center, type the cost center ID in the Cost Center ID field in the Detail tab window. Use the List of Values to select from available cost centers.
  14. Specify the work center's average capacity in the Average Capacity field in the Detail tab window.
  15. If you want to link the work center to a department, type the number of the department in the Department field in the Detail tab window. Use the List of Values to select from available departments.
  16. Specify the work center's maximum hours per operation and day in the Max Hours Per Operation field in the Detail tab window. This value will restrict how many work hours a single operation can be scheduled for on the work center per day.
  17. If the work center code is Outside Work Center, Supplier field will be enabled. Entering a value in the Supplier field is optional. Use the List of Values to select from available suppliers.
  18. In the Auto Report Labor Time with Qty list, specify in which situations labor time should be reported when a quantity is auto reported on operations performed on this work center.
  19. In the Auto Report Machine Time with Qty list, specify in which situations machine time should be reported when a quantity is auto reported on operations performed on this work center.
  20. Save the changes.
  21. If you want to associate inbound and/or outbound inventory locations for the work center, list them in the Locations tab.
  22. If you want to associate characteristics relevant for the planning and scheduling on the work center, list them in the Characteristics tab.
  23. Save the changes.