Calculate Actual and Estimate Hours


This activity is used to calculate historical period actual hours and estimate hours for work centers and labor classes including period's capacity as well. Actual hours are calculated from the labor and operation transactions. It will include all the transactions from the operation independently regardless of it is closed or not.

The estimated hours are calculated from all closed operations that has transactions during the selected period. It includes estimated hours for both work centers and labor classes if there is any transaction for either the work center or the labor class. You can specify for which period you want to run the calculation. Period given should be either a historical period or a present period.


Work Centers and labor classes should be entered manually or created by executing right mouse button option Create Records for the Period  in Work Center Cost by Period tab and Labor Class Cost By Period tab.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Actual Manufacturing Cost Rates

Related Window Descriptions

Calculate actual and estimate hours
Actual manufacturing cost rates


  1. Open Calculate Actual and Estimate Hours dialog box.
  2. In the Company field, select the company for which you want to run the calculation. Use List of Values to select from the available companies.
  3. In the Site field, select the site for which you want to run the calculation. Use List of Values to select from the available sites.
  4. In the Accounting Year/Period field, select the year and period for which you want to run the calculation.
  5. Click OK.