Aggregate Gap Analysis

[Recruitment] [Employee Administration] [Employee Development]


Use this window to perform a gap analysis on groups of persons. To use it, first you need to select who will be analyzed and then select the subject of analysis. The analysis works by comparing qualifications of a person to whatever is defined as a required qualification level. For example, if you want to compare qualifications of a person to what their current job requires, you need to select the Current Job check box. Every qualification (e.g. English Language) can be divided into several levels (e.g., Basic, Advanced, Expert) and if the person has a lower qualification level (e.g. Basic) then what is required by the job (e.g. Expert) then they have a gap. The gap is calculated using points assigned to each level. Lets assume that the Basic level has 1 point, Advanced 2 points, and Expert 10 points. In case of our example, the point difference would be calculated as follows: 1(points of a person) - 10(job requirement) = -9 points, meaning there is a gap of 9 points for English Language.

The window is divided into 3 main sections:   


The header contains settings responsible for configuring what is analyzed. Here you can select, e.g., if you want to compare qualifications required by current or future jobs, or any comparison parameter.

Person Selection Filters

The filters area, located at the bottom of the window (on the Data Source tab), contains tools used to select who is analyzed. It has tabs used to select groups of persons to analyze. You can select people based on competencies, certificates, education levels, work experience, organization assignments, position assignments, schedules, or jobs. This selection can be manually changed on the Data Source tab, where all currently selected persons are shown.

Result Tabs

Once the analysis criteria are set and persons selected, the actual analysis can take place. Due to the amount of information generated, results are divided into multiple tabs. The Analysis Results Overview tab offers a complete set of analysis data, while other tabs focus a certain point of view. For example, the By Qualification  tab focuses on specific qualifications that were analyzed and shows general information about how many people have a gap in a certain qualification, how big the gap is on average and what is the biggest gap. The By Person tab focuses on gaps of a specific person, showing areas that need improvement.

Following right-click actions are available:

Result Graphs

The graphs display the summary of information presented by the currently selected tab. Information on graphs is directly connected to their tab, allowing you to querry for specific data that you want to see on the graph.
Following interactions ara available

For the description of each tab, follow the appropriate link:
Analysis, Data Source, Analysis Results Overview, Analysis Results Overview - Competencies, Analysis Results Overview - Certificates, Analysis Results Overview - Educationn, Analysis Results Overview - Work Experience, By Qualification, By Qualification - Competencies, By Qualification - Certificates, By Qualification - Education, By Qualification - Work Experience, By Person, By Person - CompetenciesBy Person - Certificates, By Person - Education, By Person - Work Experience, By Employee, By Employee - CompetenciesBy Employee - Certificates, By Employee - Educationn, By Employee - Work Experience, By Structure/Company, By Structure/Company - Competencies, By Structure/Company - Certificates, By Structure/Company - Education, By Structure/Company - Work Experience, By Organization Unit, By Organization Unit - Competencies, By Organization Unit - Certificates, By Organization Unit - Education, By Organization Unit - Work Experience, By Job, By Job - Competencies, By Job - Certificates, By Job - Education, By Job - Work Experience.

Activity Diagrams

Perform Aggregate Gap Analysis


Register Aggregate Gap Analysis
Manually Select Persons for Analysis
Run The Analysis
Select Person Groups for Analysis
Define Parameters for Analysis