Connect Capacity Scenario


This activity is used to connect a scenario to a work center which can be used by RRP. You can also change load source and define overload and underload threshold.


This activity requires that the work center and capacity scenario have been registered.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system connects the specified scenario to the work center.


Work Center

Related Window Descriptions

Work Center
Work Center/RRP Capacity


  1. Open the Work Center window.
  2. From the Work Center list, select the work center for which you want to connect a new scenario.
  3. Open the RRP Capacity tab.
  4. In the Scenario list, create a new record and use the List of Values to select the scenario you want to connect.
  5. In the Load Source list, click the load source you wish to use in the capacity calculation for the scenario.
  6. In the Load Source list, if you clicked the value Projected On Hand you must clear the Time Based UoM check box.
  7. In the Overload Threshold field you can enter a percentage limitation for the work center and scenario. This field is optional.
  8. In the Underload Threshold field you can enter a percentage limitation for the work center and scenario. This field is optional.
  9. Save the record.
  10. To connect an additional scenario, follow the procedure from 4-9.