Calculate Actual S&OP Data


This activity is used to calculate the actual sales and operations data for a selected statistical year/period.

Note: When calculating actual sales and operations planning data, include or exclude of internal demands/internal supplies of MS level 1 parts will be considered according to the settings these parts have in the planning stucture of the MS level 0 part.


The sales and operations plan must be in the state Inprogress.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, Order Book Qty, Shipped Qty, Last Year Shipped Qty, MS Level 1 Forecast, MS Level 1 Supply, Actual Receipts, Open Supply and related cost and difference amounts will be calculated.


Sales and Operations Planning for Make to Stock
Sales and Operations Planning for Make to Order

Related Window Descriptions

Sales and Operations Planning for Make to Stock
Sales and Operations Planning for Make to Order


  1. Right click and then click Calculate Actual S&OP Data.
  2. In the From Year field, enter the year that the data should be calculated from, or use the list of values.
  3. In the To Year field, enter the year that the data should be calculated to, or use the list of values.
  4. In the From Period field, enter the period that he data should be calculated from, or use the list of values.
  5. In the To Period field, enter the period that he data should be calculated to, or use the list of values.
  6. Press OK.