Reverse Minimum Configuration


This activity is used to reverse the minimum configuration value for a part or a structure branch in the template structure. This activity is useful if during design or maintenance of a template structure, you need to unassign a part or structure branch from the defined minimum configuration. Note: If the part or structure branch is not controlled by a separate template, the minimum configuration value must be the same as its parent part.



System Effects

The minimum configuration for the part or structure branch is reversed.


Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Template
Serial Structure Template/Consist Of
Serial Structure Template/Multilevel 
Template Structure Navigator
Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of


  1. Open the Serial Structure Template or Template Structure Navigator window, and query (F3) for your template structure.
  2. Click the Consist Of tab. If you need to move down the structure, select the row, right-click, and then click Next Level until the required serial part is displayed in the tab.
  3. Select the row that contains the part you want, right-click and then click Reverse Minimum Configuration.
  4. The system will reverse the minimum configuration setting for the structure item. The change will not be done if a conflict exists for either the next higher or next lower structure item. If this is to be the case you will receive a warning message indicating that the process was aborted.