Adjust and Verify Background Job for Calculations of LLP Events


This activity is used to view calculated due dates for the maintenance events of a serial. The part number for the serial must be defined as a life limited part (LLP) that has reached its forewarning period. 

You can also use this activity to adjust the execution time of the background job (Refer the online help file Using Background Jobs). At installation, the server process for due calculations of life limited part events is set to execute each day at 8:00 P.M. The background job can also be executed manually for a specified serial by using the Due Calculation feature as described in the online help file Perform Due Calculation for LLP Events.


For life limited parts to be calculated, life limited information must be defined for the serial. For more information, refer to the activity Set Current Stress Rating.

System Effects


Serial Maintenance

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Maintenance/LLPs in Structure


Follow this procedure to verify the calculated events:

  1. Open the Serial Maintenance window and query (F3) for your serial.
  2. Click the LLPs in Structure tab.
  3. The calculated drop dead date for the serial is displayed in the Drop Dead Date field.

To perform a manual calculation, right-click anywhere in the header of the Serial Maintenance window, and then click Perform Due Calculation.