Activate Template Structure


This activity is used to change the structure status of all nodes in a template structure to Active. Before all nodes in the template structure can be set to the Active status, the system will verify that there are no parts in the structure with the value "-" (not decided) in the Life Limited Part field. Any occurrence of this value will result in an error message and you will not be allowed to activate the template structure. Also, a warning will be displayed if structure entries on the lowest level of the structure are configured by a separate template. The warning is only a reminder to check if this is done by mistake, since a separate template without a structure has no usage. If you need to reconfigure structure nodes on the lowest level so that it is not configured by a separate template, right-click on the relevant record, and then click Reverse Separate Template.

When designing (building) a template structure, the default structure status is Preliminary. It is possible to have structure branches that are Active even while the structure top is in the Preliminary status. Note that you cannot change the status of an active template structure back to Preliminary. When the template structure is set to the Active status, it is allowed to have alternates in the status Preliminary. However, to be able to replace a structure part with an alternate or to reconnect a disconnected part, the parts must be Active. If the template structure is to be used for serial structures, the template structure an all connected parts on sub levels must be activated.

It is possible to add a new structure position to an active template structure by using the Add Structure Position dialog box. When this is done, the new position in the template structure will be created in either the Preliminary or Active status. When this structure position is activated, it will have an effect on all serial structures using the template. As a result, an empty structure position will be added automatically to all serial structures using the template. Empty structure positions refer to the structure positions where expected serials or parts are missing from the serial structure. In addition, if IFS/Complex Assembly MRO is used, the new structure position will be transferred automatically to manufacturing. Following criteria must be fulfilled for automatic part transfer to manufacturing:


System Effects

If IFS/Complex Assembly MRO is used, and all criteria for automatic part transfer are fulfilled:


Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Template
Serial Structure Template/General
Serial Structure Template/Consist Of
Serial Structure Template/Multilevel
Templates Structure Navigator/General
Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of


Follow this procedure to activate a template structure:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template or Template Structure Navigator window, and query (F3) for your template structure.
  2. Click the General tab and verify that the selected structure is in the Preliminary status.
  3. Right-click, point to Status and then click Set Active.
  4. Verify that the structure and all its sub levels are Active.

Follow this procedure to activate the sub parts of a template structure:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window and query (F3) for your template structure.
  2. Click the General tab and verify that the selected structure is in the Preliminary status.
  3. Click the Multilevel tab.
  4. Select the row(s) that contains the structure part(s) you want to activate, right-click, point to Status, and then click Set Active. Alternatively, you can choose to activate a structure level/branch of the template structure in the Serial Structure Template/Consist Of tab or the Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of tab.