Schedule Just-in-Time


This activity is used to schedule orders just in time.

The result of just in time scheduling is identical to as late as possible scheduling when the order is not tardy. But when the order is tardy, the Just in time scheduling option will compress operations towards the current planned finish date of the order. So if you schedule a set of orders (some that are tardy and some are not), the tardy orders' planned finish dates will not change, but if there are other operations of those orders which could be scheduled late without changing the orders' planned finish date, then they will be rescheduled as close as possible to current planned finish dates of the orders. The orders that are not tardy would try to be scheuled as close as possible to their need date (similar to as late as possible scheduling ).


There should be orders that has necessary basic data for scheduling.

System Effects

Orders will be scheduled just in time. This might result in some free space in the vicinity of current time compared to the schedule created by as late as possible scheduling because that the as late as possible scheduling will try to move tardy orders backward to meet the need date (avoid the tardiness).


Scheduling Client
Simulation Client
Advanced Planning Board
Maintenance Planning Board
Maintenance Planning Board for Planning Network

Related Window Descriptions

Scheduling Client
Simulation Client
Advanced Planning Board
Maintenance Planning Board
Maintenance Planning Board for Planning Network


  1. In the Gantt chart, select the orders you need to schedule just in time.
  2. Select right mouse button option Just-In-Time. The orders will be scheduled just in time.