Stop Production


This activity is used to stop a started production on one or several operations.

When calculating operation hours, the priority of calculating the operation hours should be as follows:

  1. Based on the calendar settings defined in the Manufacturing Labor Class/Person tab.
  2. If calendar is not defined, when IFS/Human Resources is installed, refer the employee's work schedules defined in the Employee Schedules and Rules window.
  3. If employee’s schedule is day type independent or
    If IFS/Human Resources is not installed, and no valid schedule exists for the employee;
    then use the labor class calendar defined in the Manufacturing Labor Class window.

This activity contains a Security Checkpoint which can be activated by an administrator. With an activated security checkpoint on a function you will have to authenticate yourself again in order to fulfill the function. Additionally, whenever a security checkpoint is successfully passed a security checkpoint log is written, creating an audit trail of what is done.

If you select and stop operations run in parallel (having unique clocking sequences) the stop dialog box will appear for each operation, while if started in sequence (sharing the same clocking sequence), the stop dialog box will appear only once for all operations in the sequence.

Operations connected to an operation block is expected to be stopped together. You are still allowed to start them individually, but a warning will be given.


The production (runtime) must have started on the operation.

System Effects


Shop Floor Workbench
Time Clock

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Floor Workbench
Stop Production
Approve Operation
Time Clock
Time Clock Data Input Dialog


To perform this activity from Shop Floor Workbench using Stop Production:

  1. In the Shop Floor Workbench window, select the operation line and click Stop Production.
  2. The Stop Production dialog box will open.
  3. Select an appropriate option in the Stop Reason list. When selecting stop reason Interrupted, an interruption cause must be entered in the Interruption Cause field. Use the List of Values to select from available interruption causes.
  4. Optionally enter or edit the note in the Clocking Note field.
  5. If stopping a labor clocking and the site is reporting in anonymous mode, optionally modify the crew size to be reported in the Crew Size field.
  6. Click OK. The finish time can be viewed in the Clockings tab.
    Note: If you have selected several operations run in parallel (having unique clocking sequences), the stop dialog box for the next operation will appear after clicking OK.

To perform this activity from Shop Floor Workbench using Approve Operation:

  1. In the Shop Floor Workbench window, select the operation line and click Approve Operation.
  2. The Approve Operation dialog box will open.
  3. Select the Stop Clockings check box.
  4. Click OK. The finish time can be viewed in the Clockings tab.
    Note: If you have selected several operations run in parallel (having unique clocking sequences), the approve operation dialog box for the next operation will appear after clicking OK.

To perform this activity from Time Clock:

  1. Click Stop Production in Time Clock.
  2. Enter the Employee ID or the Team.
  3. Operation IDs with ongoing clocking for operation run by the employee or the team will be listed, select the operation ID you want to stop production for.
  4. If you want to stop the machine clocking also, select Yes in Machine Time.
  5. If you want to report an interruption, select an interruption cause. Otherwise leave the field empty.
  6. If you want to close the operation select Yes in Close Operation.
  7. Click OK.