Sequence Shop Order Operations


This activity is used to schedule shop order operations in sequence after each others from a given start date/time.


System Effects

  1.  Priority and Sort Order defined in the Characteristics for Sequence Order list.
  2.  Operation Priority defined in Operations to Sequence list. Operations with a lower value are scheduled before operations with a higher value.
  3.  Operation original Planned Start Date/Time. Operations with an earlier original planned start date/time are scheduled before operations with a later start date/time.


Visual Shop Order Operations Planning
Shop Order Operations
Shop Floor Workbench


This activity can be performed from the IFS Aurena client only.

From Visual Shop Order Operations Planning page:

  1. In the Machine Operations Scheduling chart, click the resource card and then click Sequence. The Sequence Shop Order Operations assistant appears.
  2. For operations you want to sequence, set Include to On and click Next.
  3. In the Characteristics for Sequencing Order list, enter the characteristic codes you want to base the sequencing order on.
    If a Sequencing Priority has been set for any characteristic codes in the Work Center/Characteristics tab, those will be appear automatically.
  4. In the Preferred Resource field, select the resource on which you want the operations to be scheduled. Use the List of Values to select from available work center resources.
  5. In the Start Date/Time field, enter the date and time on which you want the first operation to be scheduled to start.
  6. If you want to avoid slack between operations preceding the sequenced operation on the same shop order when rescheduled to a later date/time, set Compress Operations to On.
  7. If you want to schedule setup according to the characteristic value combinations, set Use Setup Matrix to On.
  8. If you want operation blocks to be created and connected to operations sharing the same characteristic value, set Create Operation Blocks to On.

From Shop Floor Workbench and Shop Order Operations pages:

  1. Search and select the operations you want to sequence.
  2. Click Scheduling, then click Sequence. The Sequence Shop Order Operations assistant appears.
  3. Follow above procedure from step 2.