Scrap of Non-Issued Components


Scrapping can occur at various stages of the manufacturing process. For example, if a component is cut incorrectly or broken, you have the option to scrap the component on the shop order and request replacement material. In such an instance the demand for the component material will be increased if necessary

This activity is used to scrap component material not yet registered as issued. Normally this applies to component parts set to be automatically issued using the backflush feature.

Scrapping of components can also be performed with MRO shop orders of the Disassembly, Repair, and Assembly types. However, due to the pegging structure used to maintain order relationships, you can only scrap materials that have the Inventory Order supply code, those that are added manually to the shop order, and not pegged to another MRO order level.


System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Shop Order
Shop Order Materials
MRO Shop Order
Disposition Shop Order
Report Shop Order Operation
Report Component Scrap
Shop Floor Workbench

Related Window Descriptions

Report Component Scrap
Shop Order
Shop Order/Materials
Shop Order Materials
MRO Shop Order/Materials
MRO Shop Order
Disposition Shop Order/Materials
Disposition Shop Order
Report Shop Order Operation
Shop Floor Workbench


Scrap of non-issued component materials from Shop Order, Shop Floor Workbench and MRO Shop Order windows:

  1. Open the required window, and search for the appropriate shop order.
  2. Right-click, point to Material Actions Report in the menu and then click on Component Scrap.
  3. Select the desired component part you want to scrap in the Report Component Scrap window.
  4. In the Scrap Non-Issued Component tab enter the quantity you want to scrap in the Qty To Scrap field.
  5. Enter a scrap reason in the Scrap Reason field, or select one from the List of Values.
  6. Save the changes.

Scrap of non-issued component materials from Shop Order Materials window, or from Shop Order/Materials, Shop Floor Workbench/Materials, MRO Shop Order/Materials and Disposition Shop Order/Materials tab:

  1. Open the required window, and search for the appropriate shop order material line.
  2. Right-click and select Report Component Scrap.
  3. In the Scrap Non-Issued Component tab enter the quantity you want to scrap in the Qty To Scrap field.
  4. Enter a scrap reason in the Scrap Reason field, or select one from the List of Values.
  5. Save the changes.

Scrap of non-issued component materials when reporting operations:

  1. Open the Shop Order window and search for the appropriate shop order.
  2. Right-click and then click Report Operations. The Report Shop Order Operation window opens.
  3. Select the desired operation from the Report Shop Order Operation window.
  4. Right-click and then click Report Component Scrap.
  5. Select the desired component part you want to scrap in the Report Component Scrap window.
  6. In the Scrap Non-Issued Component tab enter the quantity you want to scrap in the Qty To Scrap field.
  7. Enter a scrap reason in the Scrap Reason field, or select one from the List of Values.
  8. Save the changes.

Scrap of non-issued components using Shop Floor Workbench (Report Scrap button):

  1. Open the Shop Floor Workbench window and click Refresh.
  2. The operations will be displayed according to the filter that is being used.
  3. Select the operation line for which you wish to report scrap.
  4. Click Report Scrap. The Report Scrap dialog box will be opened.
  5. Click the Component Scrap option and the Report Component Scrap dialog box will open.
  6. In the Scrap Non-Issued Component tab enter the quantity you want to scrap in the Qty To Scrap field.
  7. Enter a scrap reason in the Scrap Reason field, or select one from the List of Values.
  8. Save the changes.