Perform Shop Order Split


This activity is used to split shop orders. Shop order splits are used to respond to material and schedule changes in the manufacturing environment. CRO pegged shop orders cannot be split via this activity.


This activity requires that:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Shop Order
Shop Orders

Production Line Management

Related Window Descriptions

Split Shop Order
Shop Order
Shop Orders
Production Line Management
Production Line Management/Shop Orders
Manufacturing Standards Basic Data
Select Visualization

Related Visualization Chart Descriptions

Shop Order Machine Load


To split a shop order using the data view:

  1. Open the Shop Order, Shop Orders or Production Line Management/Shop Orders window.
  2. Search for the shop order.
  3. Right-click, point to Merge and Splits and then click Split Shop Order.
  4. Select either Discrete Split or Percentage Split.
  5. Create a new record in the table.
  6. Enter a shop order number. If this field is left blank, the system will assign one.
  7. Enter value in the Split Reason field. To display the split reason codes, click List.
  8. For a discrete split, enter a value in the Lot Size field. For a percentage split, enter values in the Split Percentage and Lot Qty Rounding fields.
  9. You can define more than one order that split will create in the table, as long as the total lot size amount is less then original lot size.
  10. Click OK.

To split shop orders using the visualization view:

  1. Open a visualizer enabled window and query for the site needed.
  2. If the Data View is displayed, click Visualization View on the title bar.
  3. Right-click and click Select Visualization. The Select Visualization dialog box is opened.
  4. Double-click Shop Order Machine Load.
  5. Right-click and click Y-Axis/Shop Order.
  6. Right-click on a shop order (the horizontal inner bar) and click Split Shop Order to split the shop order.
  7. Select either Discrete Split or Percentage Split.
  8. Create a new record in the table.
  9. Enter a shop order number. If this field is left empty, the system will assign a value.
  10. Enter value in the Split Reason field. To display the split reason codes, click List.
  11. For a discrete split, enter a value in the Lot Size field. For a percentage split, enter values in the Split Percentage and Lot Qty Rounding fields.
  12. You can define more than one order that split will create in the table, as long as the total lot size amount is less then original lot size.
  13. Click OK.