Reserve Shop Order Automatically


This activity is used to reserve material automatically for an entire shop order. When reserving material automatically, you also can specify a date to which reservations are made. (Material does not need to be reserved all at once, only the materials needed up to that particular date). The date determines how far in time the availability check should extend. Also, you can reserve materials to manufacture a specific parent quantity using Parent Quantity to Reserved field.

Note: If the required components are available from a single lot/batch, then only the materials are reserved automatically for a multilevel repair shop order.

The value in the Reserve/Issue Method field of the shop order material line is considered when automatically reserving/issuing material. This value determines how to reserve/issue material to the shop order.

For operation connected material, the option selected in the Outside Reserve/Backflush at the Work Center window is considered when automatically reserving material. This value determines how the reserve/backflush of material is allowed from locations other than work center inbound locations.

If the Shared Location check box is selected in the Location tab of the Work Center window, material can be reserved/issued to any demand. If not selected, only the material demands from operations that are connected to the work center will be allowed to reserve/issue material from this location.

If the shop order is connected to a batch balance ID and the check box Allow reserve and issue from lot/batches outside the batch balance is selected in Site/Extended Site Info/Manufacturing/General tab, reservation of the component which the preceding balanced shop order is supplying is limited to the lot/batch numbers received from this shop order. Note: The shop order is limited to reserve supply received from the preceding shop order, however any other shop order without a connection to a balance ID is allowed to reserve the same material.


This activity requires that the shop order is at least in the Released status.

System Effects


Shop Order
Shop Orders
Production Line Management

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Order
Reserve Shop Order
Inventory Part Location
Shop Orders
Select Visualization
Production Line Management
Production Line Management/Shop Orders

Related Visualization Chart Descriptions

Shop Orders Material Availability Summary
Shop Orders Material Availability


To reserve shop orders using the data view:

  1. Open the Shop Order, Shop Orders or Production Line Management/Shop Orders window
  2. Right-click, point to Material Actions and then click Reserve. The Reserve Shop Order dialog box appears.
  3. In the Reserve Shop Order dialog box, type the final date for the material reservation in the Reserve to Date field. This date determines how far ahead the availability check should extend.
  4. Optionally, add a quantity in Parent Quantity to Reserved field to reserve materials to complete a given parent quantity.
  5. If you want to create a pick list for the shop order, select the Create Pick List check box.
  6. Click OK.

To reserve shop orders using the Visualization View:

  1. Open a visualizer enabled window and query for the site needed.
  2. If the Data View is displayed, click Visualization View on the title bar.
  3. Right-click and click Select Visualization. The Select Visualization dialog box is opened.
  4. Double-click Shop Orders Material Availability Summary or Shop Orders Material Availability.
  5. Select any bar/segment except those with the Completely Reserved material availability type.
  6. Right-click and click Reserve Shop Orders. The Reserve Shop Order dialog box appears.
  7. Follow the procedure above from step 3.