Report Outside Operation


This activity is used to backflush outside operations and automatically process the purchase order receipt depending on the outside operation backflush type. This activity can be used as an alternative to the pick list and ship work in process activities.

If Purchase Order Arrival has been selected as the outside operation backflush option for a released outside operation, and if the pegged purchase order line has also been released, it is possible to backflush the ship work in progress (WIP) to supplier and the purchase order arrival activities.

Note: Outside operation backflush will be used automatically to backflush the ship work in progress (WIP) to the supplier. Purchase order arrival activities to report the preceding outside operations on a routing with sequential outside operations, can be done if the Send To Next Supplier option has been selected for the preceding outside operation. For more details about the Send To Next Supplier option, refer to the Subcontracting topic description


System Effects


Report Shop Order Operation
Report Work Center Operation
Shop Floor Workbench

Related Window Descriptions

Report Shop Order Operation
Report Shop Order Operation/Outside Operations

Outside Operation Reporting
Report Work Center Operation/Outside Operations
Shop Floor Workbench
Approve Operation


From the Report Shop Order Operation or Report Work Center Operation windows using the Outside Operation Reporting dialog box:

  1. Open the Report Shop Order Operation window.
  2. Click the Outside Operations tab.
  3. Right-click and then click Outside Operation Reporting.
    The Outside Operation Reporting dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the quantity to report in the Quantity to Report field.
  5. If you want to report the full quantity, select the Report Full Quantity check box.
    Note: When the full quantity is reported, the corresponding operation will be closed.
  6. To automatically report all preceding operations, select the Auto Report Preceding Operations check box.
    Note: This option will be used automatically if the preceding operation is an outside operation where the Send To Next Supplier check box has been selected.
  7. Click OK. The ship WIP to supplier and the purchase order line arrival functions will be performed.

From the Shop Floor Workbench window using the Approve Operation dialog box:

  1. Select the outside operation to report.
  2. Click the Approve Operation option to open the dialog box.
  3. In the Operation Report section, enter the quantity to report in the Qty to Report field.
  4. If you want the operation to be closed, select the Close Operation check box.
  5. If you want preceding operation(s) to be reported up to the quantity reported on the current operation, select the Report Previous Operation check box.
  6. Click OK.