Report Shop Order Operation


Use this activity to report the time and quantity for a shop order operation. It can be the time needed to set up an operation before manufacturing begins or the time of the actual manufacturing. The status of operations changes as you report them. This lets you report as many or as few steps as you desire, depending on the degree of detail planned in operation reporting. You can report more manufacturing or setup time than the default value.

If the operation is connected to a component line and that component line is not issued prior to reporting the operations, it will be issued using the backflush feature. If any of the components issued by the backflush feature is catch unit enabled, this activity can be performed only if the full quantity in the inventory part location is issued. If only a part of the quantity in an inventory location is issued, you will have to manually issue the components before reporting the operation.

This activity contains a Security Checkpoint which can be activated by an administrator. With an activated security checkpoint on a function you will have to authenticate yourself again in order to fulfill the function. Additionally, whenever a security checkpoint is successfully passed a security checkpoint log is written, creating an audit trail of what is done.


System Effects


Report Shop Order Operation
Report Work Center Operation
Shop Floor Workbench
Time Card - Day
Shop Floor Reports

Related Window Descriptions

Report Shop Order Operation/Internal Operations
Report Shop Order Operation
Report Work Center Operation/Internal Operations
Report Work Center Operation
Shop Floor Workbench
Shop Floor Workbench/Reports
Approve Operation
Time - Card - Day/Mfg Result
Shop Floor Reports


From the Report Shop Order Operation window:

  1. Search for the relevant shop order.
  2. In the Internal Operations tab, select the operation to report.
  3. Specify the quantity complete to report in the Qty to Report field.
  4. Specify the duration of the machine setup time to report in the Mach Setup to Report field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any machine setup time.
  5. Specify the duration of the labor setup time to report in the Labor Setup to Rpt field, and specify the number of employees that performed the setup of the operation in the Setup Crew Size field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any labor setup time.
  6. Specify the duration of the machine run time to report in the Mach to Report field, and specify how much of the resource capacity the operation utilized during its duration in the Resource Share field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any machine run time.
  7.  Specify the duration of the labor run time to report in the Labor to Report field, and specify the number of employees that performed the run time of the operation in the Crew Size field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any labor run time.
  8. Select the line, right-click and then click Report, or save.

From the Report Work Center Operation window:

  1. Search for the relevant work center.
  2. In the Internal Operations tab, select the operation to report.
  3. Specify the quantity complete to report in the Qty to Report field.
  4. Specify the duration of the machine setup time to report in the Mach Setup to Report field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any machine setup time.
  5. Specify the duration of the labor setup time to report in the Labor Setup to Rpt field, and specify the number of employees that performed the setup of the operation in the Setup Crew Size field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any labor setup time.
  6. Specify the duration of the machine run time to report in the Mach to Report field, and specify how much of the resource capacity the operation utilized during its duration in the Resource Share field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any machine run time.
  7.  Specify the duration of the labor run time to report in the Labor to Report field, and specify the number of employees that performed the run time of the operation in the Crew Size field. Enter zero (0) if you don't want to report any labor run time.
  8. Select the line, right-click and then click Report, or save.

From the Shop Floor Workbench window using the Approve Operation dialog box:

  1. Select the operation on which reporting should be done.
  2. Click the Approve Operation option to open the dialog box.
  3. In the Operation Report area, enter the quantity to report as complete in the Qty to Report field. If you want to enter the quantity to report in an alternative unit of measure, click the Input UoM option.
  4. If you want the operation to be closed, select the Close Operation check box.
  5. If you want preceding operation(s) to be reported up to the quantity reported on the current operation, select the Report Previous Operation check box.
  6. In the Operation Time section, enter the time to report in the Mach Setup to Rpt, Labor Setup to Rpt, Mach to Rpt and Labor to Rpt fields.
  7. If machine time or machine setup time is reported, specify how much of the resource capacity the operation utilized during its duration in the Resource Share field.
  8. If labor time is reported, specify the crew size that worked on the setup and run time in the Setup Crew Size and Crew Size fields.
  9. If the site which the operation belongs to is run in employee reporting mode you can optionally specify the employees that worked on the operation by selecting the Report Employees check box and enter a line for each employee. If a team is entered in Shop Floor Workbench the current team members will be displayed and may not be changed.
  10. Click OK.

From the Shop Floor Workbench/Reports, Shop Floor Reports and Time Card - Day/Mfg Result windows using the Add Operation Result dialog box:

  1. From the Shop Floor Workbench/Reports tab, select Show Operation Reports option, right-click and then click Add Operation Results. From the Time - Card - Day window, right-click on the Mfg Result tab and then click Add Operation Result. From the Shop Floor Reports window, right-click and then click Add Operation Result. The Add Operation Result dialog box will appear.
  2. In the Operation ID field, use List of Values to choose which operation to register the reports on.
  3. In the Transaction Date field, enter the date on which the activity occurred.
  4. In the Resource field, enter the work center resource on which the operation was performed.
  5. In the Completed Qty field, enter the quantity to report as completed.
  6. In the Scrapped Qty field, enter the quantity to report as scrap. Enter the reason for the scrap in the Scrap Reason field. Optionally, enter a scrap note in the Note field.
  7. If labor time is reported, Crew Size must be specified. If the site is run in employee reporting mode you can instead specify the employee that worked on the operation in the Employee field, or the team that worked on the operation in the Team field.
  8. Enter the time you want to report in the Mach Setup, Mach Time, Labor Setup and Labor Time fields.
  9. If machine time or machine setup time is reported, specify how much of the resource capacity the operation utilized during its duration in the Resource Share field.
  10. Click OK.