Receive Shop Order with Reserved Serials


This activity is used to receive the serial tracked parts completed on a shop order into inventory.


System Effects

If the part is received on an MRO shop order, there are additional system effects based on the type of MRO order.

For a disassembly shop order, the following system effects will occur:

For an assembly shop order, the following system effects will occur:

For a repair shop order that includes a modification which results in a change of part number, the following system effects will occur:

For more information on the validations performed in IFS/VIM refer to the online help file Rename Serial.

For more information on the validations performed in IFS/PARTCA refer to the online help file Rename Serial Part.


Shop Order
Shop Orders
Production Line Management
Receive Shop Order
Receive MRO Shop Order
Shop Floor Workbench
Warehouse Data Collection

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Order
Shop Orders
Production Line Management
Production Line Management/Shop Orders
Receive Serialized Parts
Receive Shop Order
Receive Shop Order/Serial Inventory Receipt
Receive MRO Shop Order
Receive MRO Shop Order/Serial Inventory Receipt
Approve Operation
Shop Floor Workbench
Warehouse Data Collection


From the Shop Order, Shop Orders or Production Line Management/Shop Orders window using the Receive Serialized Parts dialog box:

  1. Search for the shop order to receive.
  2. Right-click, point to Receive and then click Receive Serial Parts, the Receive Serialized Parts dialog box will appear.
  3. If you want to automatically issue any not already issued material up to the received quantity, select the Backflush check box.
  4. If you want to skip the normal material check, select the Simplified Material Check check box.
  5. If you want open, not already reported operations to be automatically reported up to the received quantity, select the Auto Report of Operations check box.
  6. If you want the status of the shop order to be set to Closed as a result of this receipt even if the criteria for auto closure is not met, select the Close Shop Order check box.
  7. If you want the receipt to be executed in the background, select the Receipt in Background check box.
  8. If you want to attach the received parts into handling units, select the Pack check box.
  9. If you want, you can also define additional parameters to all the serials by clicking Receive Parameters, and enter the applicable values in the Receive Parameters dialog and press OK. Later, If you want, you can manually change the defined values in the table.
  10. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty to Receive field.
  11. If a default inventory location does not exist for the part, enter the inventory location into which the parts should be received in the Location No field, or use the List of Values to select from available inventory locations.
  12. Select the serial numbers to receive.
  13. Click OK.

From the Receive Shop Order window:

  1. Search for the shop order to receive.
  2. If a default inventory location does not exist for the part, type a location in the Proposed Location field, or use the List of Values to select from available inventory locations.
  3. If you want to automatically issue any not already issued material up to the received quantity, select the Backflush check box.
  4. If you want to skip the normal material check, select the Simplified Material Check check box.
  5. If you want open, not already reported operations to be automatically reported up to the received quantity, select the Auto Report of Operations check box.
  6. If you want the status of the shop order to be set to Closed as a result of this receipt even if the criteria for auto closure is not met, select the Close Shop Order check box.
  7. If you want the receipt to be executed in the background, select the Receipt in Background check box.
  8. If you want to attach the received parts into handling units, select the Pack check box.
  9. Create a new record in the Serial Inventory Receipt tab.
  10. In the Location No field, enter an inventory location to receive the part or use the List of Values to select from available inventory locations.
  11. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty to Receive field.
  12. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number for the part to be received, or use the List of Values to select from reserved serial numbers.
  13. You can also define the W/D/R No, Expiration Date, Availability Control ID, and Catch Quantity fields depending on your preference.
  14. Save.

From the Shop Floor Workbench window using the Approve Operation dialog box:

  1. In Shop Floor Workbench window, select the last operation on the shop order on which you want to receive the completed parts, and click Approve Op, the Approve Operation dialog box will appear.
  2. Make sure that the Receive Tracked Parts check box is selected.
  3. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive field. If you want to enter the quantity to receive in an alternative unit of measure, click the Input UoM option.
  4. In the Location No field, specify the location to which the parts should be received.
  5. Click OK. The Receive Serialized Parts dialog box will appear.
  6. If you want to automatically issue any not already issued material up to the received quantity, select the Backflush check box.
  7. If you want to skip the normal material check, select the Simplified Material Check check box.
  8. If you want open, not already reported operations to be automatically reported up to the received quantity, select the Auto Report of Operations check box.
  9. If you want the status of the shop order to be set to Closed as a result of this receipt even if the criteria for auto closure is not met, select the Close Shop Order check box.
  10. If you want the receipt to be executed in the background, select the Receipt in Background check box.
  11. If you want to attach the received parts into handling units, select the Pack check box.
  12. If you want, you can also define additional parameters to all the serials by clicking Receive Parameters, and enter the applicable values in the Receive Parameters dialog and press OK. Later, If you want, you can manually change the defined values in the table.
  13. If you want to receive into another inventory location, type a new location in the Location No field.
  14. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty to Receive field.
  15. Select the serial numbers to receive.
  16. Click OK.

From the Receive MRO Shop Order window (disassembly, serial receipt):

  1. Search for the shop order to receive.
  2. In the Received Part Source list, select the type of receipt to be performed. The normal choice will be Disassembly Products.
  3. In the Received Part No field, select the part to be received. The part to be received will be a real part. The list of expected products for the disassembly shop order (seen in the MRO Shop Order/Produced Part tab) displays position parts expected, and for each of these, the list of real parts that can be received for the position part.
  4. In the Serial Receipt tab, create a new line for each serial instance of a part to be received. Specify the serial number, location number and a condition code for each line of receipt.
  5. Save.

From the Receive MRO Shop Order window (assembly, serial receipt):

  1. Search for the shop order to receive.
  2. In the Received Part Source list, select the type of receipt to be performed. The normal choice will be Products.
  3. In the Received Part No field, select the part to be received. The part to be received will be a real part. The list of expected products for the assembly shop order (seen in the MRO Shop Order/Produced Part tab) displays the position part expected, and the list of real parts that can be received for the position part.
  4. In the header of the Receive MRO Shop Order window, right-click, then click either Assembly Tracking Handling/Reserve New Serial or Assembly Tracking Handling/Reserve Existing Serial to identify the serials you are planning to receive from the assembly order. In the dialog box that appears, identify the serial numbers to be received.
  5. When the serials to be received have been identified, right-click, then click Assembly Tracking Handling/Build Tracked Structure to build the as-built structure for the assembled part.
  6. Right-click, then click Assembly Tracking Handling/Receive Serial Parts to specify a location and receive the reserved serials into that location.

From the Data Warehouse Collection window:

  1. Click Receive Shop Order.
  2. If the part to receive is lot/batch tracked, enter or scan lot/batch no and click Save.
  3. If the part to is serial tracked, enter or scan lot/batch no and click Save.
  4. Enter or scan the handling unit ID and click Save.
  5. Enter or scan the quantity to receive and click Save.
  6. Enter or scan the location number and click Save. If the shop order has a proposed location it will appear automatically.
  7. Click Save.

Note: The data to enter/scan may differ from the procedure described above as it depends on both the configuration of the data capture process and the setup of the data.