Receive By-Product


Use this activity to receive a by-product into inventory. You can also receive catch-unit enabled parts by entering the catch quantity in addition to the quantity received.


This activity requires that:

System Effects


Receive Shop Order
Shop Floor Workbench
Warehouse Data Collection

Related Window Descriptions

Receive Shop Order
Receive By-Product
Shop Floor Workbench
Shop Floor Workbench/By-Products
Warehouse Data Collection


To receive via the Shop Order or Shop Orders window:

  1. On the Shop Orders window, select the required shop order or on the Shop Order window, search for the required shop order for which you want to receive the byproduct.
  2. Right-click and point to Receive, then click Receive By-Product. The Receive By-Product dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive field. If the part is catch unit of measure handled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty field.
  4. Select the inventory location where you want to receive the by-product in the Location No field, or select from available locations using the List of Values.
  5. If you want to receive the by-product into a handling unit, enter a value in the Handling Unit field, or select from available handling units using the List of Values.
  6. Optionally enter values in the W/D/R No, Expiration Date, Availability Control ID, and Condition Code fields.
  7. Click OK.

To receive via the Receive Shop Order window:

Method 1

  1. Open the Receive Shop Order window and search for the shop order for which you want to receive the by-product.
  2. In the Received Part area, select Byproduct on the Received Part list.
  3. Select the by-product which you want to receive. Click List to select an available by-product from the List of Values.
  4. Select an inventory location for the by-product and enter the quantity you want to receive in the Qty Received field. You can receive into more than one inventory location.
  5. If you do not want to receive into one of the specified inventory locations, click New, enter a new inventory location in the Location No field and then specify the quantity of parts you want to receive in the Quantity Received field. Use the List of Values to select from the available inventory locations.
  6. If you want to receive the by-product into a handling unit, enter a value in the Handling Unit field, or select from available handling units using the List of Values.
  7. You can also define the following fields W/D/R No, Expiration Date, Availability Control ID, Condition Code and Catch Quantity depending on your preference.
  8. Save.

Method 2

  1. Open the Receive Shop Order window and search for the shop order for which you want to receive the by-product.
  2. Right-click and then click Receive By-Product. The Receive By-Product dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive field. If the part is catch unit of measure handled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty field.
  4. Select the inventory location where you want to receive the by-product in the Location No field, or select from available locations using the List of Values.
  5. If you want to receive the by-product into a handling unit, enter a value in the Handling Unit field, or select from available handling units using the List of Values.
  6. Optionally enter values in the W/D/R No, Expiration Date, Availability Control ID, and Condition Code fields.
  7. Click OK.

To receive via the Shop Floor Workbench window:

Method 1

  1. In the Shop Floor Workbench window, select the operation line for which you want to receive the by-product.
  2. Click Receive By-Product. The Receive By-Product dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive field. If the part is catch unit of measure handled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty field.
  4. Select the inventory location where you want to receive the by-product in the Location No field, or select from available locations using the List of Values.
  5. If you want to receive the by-product into a handling unit, enter a value in the Handling Unit field, or select from available handling units using the List of Values.
  6. Optionally enter values in the W/D/R No, Expiration Date, Availability Control ID, and Condition Code fields.
  7. Click OK.

Method 2

  1. In the Shop Floor Workbench window, select the required operation line.
  2. Click the By-Products tab.
  3. Right click on the required by-product and then click Receive By-Product. The Receive By-Product dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive field. If the part is catch unit of measure handled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty field.
  5. Select the inventory location where you want to receive the by-product in the Location No field, or select from available locations using the List of Values.
  6. If you want to receive the by-product into a handling unit, enter a value in the Handling Unit field, or select from available handling units using the List of Values.
  7. Optionally enter values in the W/D/R No, Expiration Date, Availability Control ID, and Condition Code fields.
  8. Click OK.

To receive via the Shop Floor Workbench window when an operation is approved:

Note: For the Receive Byproducts dialog box to open when an operation is approved, the operation should have connected byproducts (unless it is the last operation) and the Receive Byproducts into Inventory after Approve Operation check box under the Manufacturing tab in the Site window has to be selected.

  1. In the Shop Floor Workbench window, select the operation line that you want to approve.
  2. Click Approve Op. The Approve Operation dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the required values in the relevant fields and click OK.
  4. Once the operation is approved, the Receive By-Product dialog box opens.
  5. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive field. If the part is catch unit of measure handled, enter the catch quantity to receive in the Catch Qty field.
  6. Select the inventory location where you want to receive the by-product in the Location No field, or select from available locations using the List of Values.
  7. If you want to receive the by-product into a handling unit, enter a value in the Handling Unit field, or select from available handling units using the List of Values.
  8. Optionally enter values in the W/D/R No, Expiration Date, Availability Control ID, and Condition Code fields.
  9. Click OK.


From the Data Warehouse Collection window:

  1. Click Receive Shop Order By-Product.
  2. Enter or scan the by-product part number and click Save.
  3. Enter or scan the quantity to receive and click Save.
  4. Enter or scan the location number and click Save.
  5. Enter or scan the handling unit ID and click Save.
  6. Click Save.

Note: The data to enter/scan may differ from the procedure described above as it depends on both the configuration of the data capture process and the setup of the data.