Print Shop Order Pick List


Use this activity to create and print a report for an already created shop order pick list.


To perform this activity, a shop order pick list must have been created.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List
Shop Order Pick Lists
Warehouse Task

Related Window Descriptions

Print Shop Order Pick List
Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List
Shop Order Pick Lists
Warehouse Tasks/Shop Order Pick List


  1. Search for the pick list to print.
  2. Right click, and then click Print Pick List, the Print Shop Order Pick List dialog box appears.
  3. If you want to print media images and texts connected to the inventory part on the pick list, select the Print Attached Media Items check box.
  4. If you want to also print documents connected to the shop order material line, select the Print Attached Documents check box.
  5. If you want to aggregate pick list lines for complete handling units into a single summarized row on the pick list report, select the Aggregate Complete Handling Units check box.
  6. Click OK, The Report Format and Output dialog box appears.
  7. Select the Print check box and click OK to print the report directly, click Cancel to abort the print job, or click Preview to preview the report.
  8. If you select Preview, the report is displayed for review. After reviewing it, click OK to print the report.