Finite Schedule Balance


This activity is used to reschedule all shop orders using the IFS/Constraint Based Scheduling system ( CBS and APB).

During the batch balance process, if shop orders are involved, CBS and APB create preceding and succeeding relationship between shop orders generated based on the balance id and the node.  This indicate the feasible production sequence that need to be adhered in order to manufacture the balanced batch. CBS and APB uses this relationship along with shop order part numbers, quantities and days to create a finite schedule while meeting the resource requirements.

Due date and quantity modifications to individual shop order supply orders normally causes a rescheduling, but it may be desirable to reschedule all shop orders for a batch balance so that preceding and succeeding relationships generated during batch balancing process will be intact in the finial shop order schedule.


System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Batch Balance

Related Window Descriptions

Batch Balance


CBS Server Solution (Site is enabled to use scheduling server)

  1. Open the Batch Balance window.
  2. Select the required Balance ID which you want to schedule.
  3. Right-click any where in the header and then click CBS Schedule Balance.
  4. The Schedule Batch Balance dialog box will be displayed.
  5. Select scheduling parameters as desired.
  6. Click OK - the shop orders of the balance batch will be scheduled and a finite schedule will be created adhering to resource constrains and preceding succeeding relationships.

Note : For CBS server solution enabled sites, CBS scheduling client can also be used to schedule batch balance. Procedure is as same as using APB.

Advance Planning Board (APB) enabled sites

  1. Open Advance Planning Board for the site.
  2. Locate the required Balance ID in the  APB navigator ( Activities / Order Structures / Batch Balance IDs ).
  3. Drag and Drop the required balance ID to the Gantt Chart with Shift key pressed. Batch Balance ID will be plotted in the Gantt Chart, expanding its child shop orders.
  4. RMB on the batch balance id object and select Schedule. Batch balance will be scheduled and a finite schedule will be created for it.
  5. Save the schedule back to the database

Note: It is possible to run scheduling simulations within ABP and CBS solutions if they run under simulation mode.