Create Labor Resources


Use this activity to define a new labor class and its resources.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects


Manufacturing Labor Class

Related Window Descriptions

Manufacturing Labor Class


  1. In the Manufacturing Labor Class window, create a new record.
  2. Enter the labor class name in the Labor Class field, using up to ten alphanumeric characters.
  3. Enter a description for this labor class in the Description field.
  4. Specify the site at which this labor class will used in the Site field. Use the List of Values to select from available sites.
  5. If you do not want to use the site calendar that appears by default, specify a calendar for this labor class in the Calendar ID field. Use the List of Values to select from available calendars.
  6. Specify whether the type of schedule capacity used by this labor class is finite or infinite in the Sched Capacity field.
  7. Specify whether the capacity calculation and scheduling shall be done by group or individuals in the Capacity Calc Base field. For large groups, the group setting is recommended, since all possible resource combinations will be evaluated when scheduling.
  8. Specify the cost center ID for this labor class. Use the List of Values to select from available cost center IDs.
  9. Save the record to save this labor class. The system automatically creates a labor class resource with the same name as this labor class.
  10. If desired, and capacity calculation and scheduling shall be done by individuals, enter persons in the Person tab. You also must specify the Start and End Date availability range for each person in the labor class.
  11. If desired, and capacity calculation and scheduling shall be done by group, enter resource quantities and date ranges in the Group tab.