Analyze Machine Operations Scheduling Chart


This activity is used to analyze the availability of work center resources, and the scheduling of machine operations using a Gantt chart.

To populate the Gantt, click the magnifying glass and search for relevant shop order operations. Gantt will be populated with shop order, CRP and APB/CBS scheduled operations planned on the work centers related to the searched data. Operations will be populated for a date range corresponding to the earliest start of any searched data minus one day, to the last finish of any searched data plus one day to support rescheduling to previous/next day.

To analyze the availability of a resource, study the collapsed Gantt rows. Details can be viewed from the card by clicking the Gantt object. The availability of each resource and day is illustrated using below load categories:

Load Category Description
Not Loaded The resource has capacity, but no work load.
Partially Loaded The resource work load is less than its capacity.
Fully Loaded The resource work load equals its capacity.
No Capacity Load The resource has work assigned on a day without capacity.
Overloaded The resource work load exceeds its capacity.
Past Due The resource work load appears in past due time.

To analyze the scheduling of machine operations, expand the Gantt row for the relevant resource. Operation details can be viewed from the card by clicking the Gantt object.

The Gantt can be configured using below settings:

When coloring operation by load category, below classification is used:

Load Source Explanation
Planned Operation from a planned shop order.
Released Operation from a released shop order.
Started Operation from a started shop order.
Parked Operation from a parked shop order.
Maintenance Maintenance work task. Note that below must be fulfilled to view maintenance from this chart:
  • The task should be connected to an object which represents a work center resource.
  • The operational status type on the task should be Obstructive.
  • Planned start and finish date on the task has to be defined.
  • The task status should be Under Preparation, Prepared, Released or Started.
  • The execution time (planned start/finish) needs to be defined on the task.
DOP CRP scheduled operation from an unreleased DOP order.
Requisitioned CRP scheduled operation from a shop order requisition.
Master Schedule CRP scheduled operation from a proposed master production schedule.
Production Schedule CRP scheduled operation from a production schedule.
Promised Operation from an capability check created interim order scheduled using IFS APB/CBS.
Resource Break Resource break scheduled using IFS APB/CBS.

To limit the contents of this chart based on a selection made in another chart, open the settings dialog by clicking the gearwheel icon and select to filter from any of below charts:

This activity can be performed from IFS Aurena client only.


System Effects



Visual Capacity Requirements Planning

Visual Shop Orders Planning

Visual Shop Order Operations Planning