Analyze Labor Load Chart


This activity is used to analyze the labor load in relation to the capacity. Load is represented with bars per day, or week and capacity with a line.

To populate the chart, click the magnifying glass and search either for relevant shop orders, or labor classes/time period depending on the page used. When searching for shop orders, chart will show all load for the relevant labor classes and dates.

The chart can be configured using below settings:

When grouping / coloring by load sources, the below classification is used:

Load Source Explanation
Planned Load from a planned shop order.
Released Load from a released shop order.
Started Load from a started shop order.
Parked Load from a parked shop order.
DOP Load from an unreleased DOP order.
Requisitioned Load from a shop order requisition.
Master Schedule Load from a proposed master production schedule.
Production Schedule Load from a production schedule.
Promised Load from a capability check created interim order scheduled using IFS APB/CBS.

To limit the contents of this chart based on a selection made in another chart, open the settings dialog by clicking the gearwheel icon and select to filter from any of below charts:

This activity can be performed from IFS Aurena client only.


System Effects



Visual Shop Orders Planning

Visual Capacity Requirements Planning