This activity is used to adjust the schedule to reported operations. The schedule can be adjusted either keeping the current sequence of operations, or prioritizing the reported operations. Keeping the sequence may be the best option if reporting is not done when the work is performed, e g when reporting operations manually. Prioritizing reported operations assumes that operations are reported as they are actually performed.
If buffered operation reporting is used, the task Buffered Operation Reporting must have been executed. This will flush the buffer of reporting transactions and send them to the CBS server. Usually this task is set up to run at a certain interval.
The scheduled operations will be rescheduled, with the reported operations being reduced by the reported time. The time to schedule for each operation is dependent on the Base Remaining Hours On parameter on the work center. The remaining time can be based on remaining qty or reported time. For fully reported operations, the adjust logic will schedule the operations for 1 minute, since the scheduling logic needs a way to identify when the next operation can be scheduled on the shop order.
If you decide to keep the operation sequence, reported operations will keep their place in the sequence, even if they are scheduled in the future. If you decide to prioritize reported operations, these operations will move to "now", before the operations that have not been reported.
Scheduling Client
Simulation Client
Advanced Planning Board
Scheduling Client
Simulation Client
Advanced Planning Board
To adjust the schedule keeping the operation sequence:
To adjust the schedule prioritizing reported operations: