Integration of Third Party Shop Floor Devices

General Information

IFS Applications comes with a number of built in Biz APIs to simplify integrating third party devices to collect shop floor reporting data. The Biz APIs provide support for the most basic features available from the Shop Floor Workbench window.

Basic Data Requirement

To utilize these features the shop floor reporting settings must be selected as Employee in Site/Extended Site Info/Manufacturing tab.

Available features and services provided

Biz API Purpose In Parameters Return Values
Get Operation Summary To get various information on a specific shop order operation. Operation (Operation ID or Order No, Rel No, Seq No and Operation No) Executed (TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the action was successful or not)
Error Text (possible error)
Order No
Release No
Sequence No
Operation No
Operation Description
Part No
Planned Qty
Executable Qty
Remaining Qty
Qty Completed
Qty Scrapped
Planned Start Time
Actual Start Time
Planned Finish Time
Actual Finish Time
Get Planned Operations To get a list of available operations based on filter criteria Site (Contract) Executed
Work Center Error Text
Labor Class List of Operation IDs
Part No
Biz API Purpose In Parameter In Parameter Explanation
Join Team To register that an employee has started to work in a team. Clock In Employee Indicates whether an Attendance IN clocking record needs to be registered for the employee. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE.
Company The ID of the company
Team ID The ID of the team the employee belongs to
Employee Identified either by the Employee ID, or Employee Card No
Leave Team To register that an employee has completed work in a team. Company The ID of the company
Team ID The ID of the team that the employee has completed work.
Employee Identified either by the Employee ID, or Employee Card No
Report Quantity Complete To register completed quantities and possibility to close the operation
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team that reported the quantity
Qty Complete The quantity of the part that was completed on the operation
Close Operation Determines whether the operation status should be set to closed or not. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Operation Identified either by Operation ID or Order No, Rel No, Seq No and Operation No
Report Quantity Scrap To register scrapped quantities and possibility to close the operation
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team that reported the scrap
Qty Scrapped The quantity of the part that was scrapped on the operation
Close Operation Determines whether the operation status should be set to closed or not. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Scrap Reason The identification of the cause of the scrap
Operation Identified either by Operation ID or Order No, Rel No, Seq No and Operation No
Start Indirect Job To register that an employee or team has started working on an indirect job
Site (Contract) The site of the indirect job
Indirect Job ID The identification of the indirect job
Clock In Employee Indicates whether an Attendance IN clocking record needs to be registered for the employee. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Stop Emp Clockings Indicates whether possible existing activities (other operations or indirect job) for the employee should be stopped or not. Expected values TRUE or FALSE
Work Center No The work center on which the indirect job is performed (optional)
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team to start time for
Start Machine Downtime To register that downtime has started for a work center resource Site (Contract) The site on which the downtime should be started
Work Center No The work center on which the downtime should be started
Resource ID The work center resource on which the downtime should be started
Downtime Cause ID The identification of the downtime cause
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team that reported the downtime (optional)
Start Operation To register that an employee and/or a machine has started to work on a shop order operation. Resource ID The identity of the work center resource to start machine time on. If no value is entered the planned resource will be saved.
Time Type Indicates whether setup or runtime is about to be started. Expected values are SETUP_TIME or RUN_TIME.
Machine Time Indicates whether to start machine time. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Labor Time Indicates whether to start labor time. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Clock In Employee Indicates whether an Attendance IN clocking record needs to be registered for the employee. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Stop Emp Clockings Indicates whether possible existing activities (other operations or indirect job) for the employee should be stopped or not. Expected values TRUE or FALSE
Operation Identified either by Operation ID or Order No, Rel No, Seq No and Operation No
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team to start time for
Stop Indirect Job To register that an employee or team has stopped working on an indirect job Site (Contract) The site on which the indirect job should be stopped
Indirect Job ID The identification of the indirect job
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team to stop time for
Stop Machine Downtime To register that downtime has stopped for a work center resource Site (Contract) The site on which the downtime should be stopped
Work Center No The work center for which the downtime should be stopped
Resource ID The work center resource for which the downtime should be stopped
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team that reported the downtime (optional)
Stop Operation To register that an employee and/or a machine has stopped work on a shop order operation. (If several employees are running the operation the procedure must be repeated for all employees). Possible to register operation as interrupted or close operation. Machine Time Indicates whether to stop machine time. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Labor Time Indicates whether to stop labor time. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE
Operation Identified either by Operation ID or Order No, Rel No, Seq No and Operation No
Team/Employee Information The Company and Employee or Team to stop time for
Interruption Cause The identify of the interruption cause to be entered if operation should be registered as interrupted
Close Operation Determines whether the operation status should be set to closed or not. Expected values are TRUE or FALSE

Note that all Biz APIs return a TRUE or FALSE value that indicates whether the operation was successful or not as well as a short description of the error that was encountered.