
A workspace is a specific view within a Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS) interactive client or in the Advanced Planning Board. This view includes the current size and position of the windows in the client and the data displayed within them. By saving a workspace you can preserve this view, along with the entire schedule and reuse it later. You can also send the workspace to someone else or view it in the CBS client or Advanced Planning Board client – switched to simulation mode, if you have CBS installed.

In the Scheduling Client, Simulation Client or in the Advanced Planning Board, the current workspace is automatically saved in the Microsoft Windows registry when you shut down your system. It is restored when you start the system backup. This enables you to continue working from where you left off.

You can also save a workspace manually to a disk. When you do this, the complete state of each Gantt chart is saved, including the name of the chart, the time span to which it is zoomed, and all objects in the chart in the order in which they appear. One advantage of saving the workspace manually is that you can later view the saved workspace in a standalone CBS scheduling or Advanced Planning Board switched to simulation mode without a connection to a data source. This enables you to share the workspace with other people.

It is possible to restore a workspace that was automatically saved to the registry, but this practice may produce unpredictable results and is not recommended. The main purpose of saving a workspace to the registry is to provide temporary storage during operations that may affect the status of certain windows.

To save a workspace manually, click Save Workspace or Save Workspace As on the File menu. To open a workspace, select Open Workspace from the File menu. It is possible to open workspaces in the Simulation mode only.

Workspaces are saved in files with the .fsw extension. Files with the .fsi extension contain scheduling data only.

Note: Loading a workspace from a file also loads new scheduling data into the program. If you want to preserve the data with which you have been working, save it either as a .fsi file or in a workspace before loading a new workspace.