Create PM Program

PM program is a collection of work task templates. The purpose of a PM program is to make it possible to re-use or recycle the preventive maintenance information for a particular object when creating new PM actions; instead of planning the information over and over again for each PM action, thus saving time in planning and preparation. 

When creating a new PM program, you have the option of categorizing them by using the item class. This categorization helps to group similar objects and work task templates together.

Connect Work Task Templates

Work Task templates can be connected to the PM program based on item class category to which they are linked.

You can connect work task templates to a PM program. A single work task template can be connected to many PM programs. Work Task templates should be active and valid in order to be connected to the PM program. The same applies when creating a new revision and copying PM programs. For example, consider the following scenario: A PM program with the following identity: PMP1 Rev 1 has a connection to the following work task template: STD1 Rev1. Assume that both the PM program and work task template revisions are obsolete. If you want to copy or create a new PM program revision, you can only do so if the obsolete work task template revision has an active revision. 

You cannot connect work task templates that belong to different sites. Those sites on the work task templates should also be a valid site in the PM program, in order to be able to generate PM actions through a PM Program. 

Once a PM program has been defined and work task templates have been connected, you have to activate it. This can be done through the available right mouse button options. Once activated, the PM program can be applied on objects to generate PM actions.