Report Picking, Aggregated


When you handle customer orders or shipments with inventory parts, they need to be reserved and picked at a specific inventory location. For parts packed in handling units it is possible to report picking on the handling unit instead of reporting it per part and quantity. The whole handling unit is reported as picked which means that all the content of that handling unit is also pick reported. Any deviation to the content of a handling unit has to be handled in the report picking on a detail level.

For parts not stored in handling units or parts being picked out of a handling unit (partially reserved handling unit), the aggregation level is per location. This means that for these lines you can do one aggregated report picking for the location instead of reporting it per part and quantity. This could be useful if the picking has been done using the pick list report per detail and the actual reporting is done when all pick for one location is complete.

While looking at the pick list from an aggregated point of view it is still possible to report picking of the content of for example a handling unit. Report picking with a quantity deviation can then be done on the detailed level but it is not possible to report picking on another location. To do that one need to report picking on the detailed level, per inventory part in stock records being reserved on the pick list.

When going through the aggregated pick list lines you might decide that some of them will not be picked. This can be handled by releasing reservations for those records.


System Effects


Report Picking of Pick List Lines 
Warehouse Task



Related Window Descriptions

Report Picking of Pick List Lines 
Report Picking of Pick List Lines/Aggregated 
Warehouse Task
Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order
Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order/Details

Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order/Aggregated    


Report picking of an aggregated line.

  1. Search for the required pick list via the Populate or Query function. In the upper part of Aggregated tab the aggregated pick list lines are displayed. The required pick list can also be reached by right-clicking and then clicking the Report Picking of Pick List Lines option in the Report Picking of Pick Lists window, in the Shipment window and in the Shipments window.
  2. Select the line(s) to be picked and right-click and then click Report Picking.
  3. For customer order connected pick list lines, you can mark the Close check box to close the order line(s) reserved in the handling unit after picking. This could be used if you want to pick report fewer parts than ordered and you do not intend to pick and deliver the remaining parts.
  4. Select OK to confirm the report in the displayed information box.
  5. In case the parts are to be delivered via a shipment or shipment inventory functionality for customer orders is used, a dialog box displays an inventory as default value. If you approve of this location, confirm by clicking OK. If you have access to several shipment locations and wish to place the parts in another location, click on the list box to view a list of all existing shipment locations. Select the desired inventory location and confirm the transaction via the OK button.

Release reservations for an aggregated line.

  1. Search for the required pick list via the Populate or Query function. In the upper part of Aggregated tab the aggregated pick list lines are displayed.. The required pick list can also be reached by right-clicking and then clicking the Report Picking of Pick List Lines option in the Report Picking of Pick Lists window, in the Shipment window and in the Shipments window.
  2. Select the line(s) that shouldn't be picked and right-click and then click Unreserve Pick List Lines.
  3. Select OK to confirm the report in the displayed information box.