Pick Part by Choice


Use this activity to pick a part by choice, i.e. to report picking of parts in a more flexible way. What you pick must correspond to the customer order line or the shop order material line, but it doesn't have to completely correspond to what is reserved on the pick list. I.e. you can pick from another location, lot batch, serial etc.


System Effects


Report Picking of Pick List Lines
Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List
Warehouse Data Collection
Warehouse Task

Related Window Descriptions

Pick Part by Choice
Report Picking of Pick List Lines
Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List
Warehouse Data Collection
Warehouse Tasks/Customer Order Pick List
Warehouse Tasks/Shop Order Pick List


To report pick by choice for a customer order pick list from the Report Picking of Pick List Lines window:

  1. Search for the Pick List No that you want to report picking on.
  2. In the Details tab, select the select the line that you want to pick, right-click, and then click Pick by Choice. The Pick Part by Choice dialog box will be opened.
  3. Click the New button to add a new row.
  4. In the Qty to Pick field, state the quantity to be picked.
  5. In the Location No field, enter a location number or use the List of Values. If the List of Values was used you will get all mandatory values when clicking OK in the List of Values.
  6. If you want to change any mandatory value or if you want to enter them manually, enter a value or use the List of Values for the Handling Unit ID, Lot/Batch No, Serial No, Revision No, W/D/R No, and Activity Sequence fields.
  7. If you want to pick more than one record, repeat step 3 to 6.
  8. To complete the picking click the OK button.

To report pick by choice for a shop order pick list from the Report Picking of Shop Order Pick List window:

  1. Search for the Pick List No that you want to report picking on.
  2. In the Details tab, select the line that you want to pick, right click, and then click Pick by Choice. The Pick Part by Choice dialog box will be opened.
  3. Click the New button to add a new row.
  4. In the Qty to Pick field, state the quantity to be picked.
  5. In the Location No field, enter a location number or use the List of Values. If List of Values was used you will get all mandatory values when clicking OK in the List of Values.
  6. If you want to change any mandatory value or if you want to enter them manually, enter a value or use the List of Values for the Handling Unit ID, Lot/Batch No, Serial No, Revision No, W/D/R No and Activity Sequence fields.
  7. If you want to pick more than one record, repeat step 3 to 6.
  8. To complete the picking click the OK button.

To report pick by choice for a shop order pick list from the Warehouse Data Collection window:

  1. Click Report Picking Part Shop Order Pick List.
  2. Enter or scan the pick list number and click Save.
  3. Enter or scan the component part no and click Save.
  4. Enter or scan quantity to pick and click Save.
  5. Enter or scan the location number and click Save.
  6. Click Save to confirm.

Note: The data to enter/scan may differ from the procedure described above as it depends on both the configuration of the data capture process and the setup of the data.