Report Picking from Another Location


When you handle customer orders and shipments with stored sales parts, they need to be reserved and picked at a specific inventory location. Whenever the parts are picked, the packing staff should enter what, how much, and from which inventory location they have picked the parts for each specific order and shipment.

Use the Report Picking of Pick List Lines window and/or the Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order tab to report picking with deviation from the generated pick list. Note that you can only pick fewer parts than stated on the pick list. You only need to change the quantity on those order lines that deviate from the pick list; the remaining lines are reported according to the pick list. In the Shipment and the Shipments windows, you can report picking with deviation from the generated pick list by using the Report Picking of Pick List Lines right mouse button option.You can also choose between picking the parts from the selected location and picking the parts from a location other than stated.

If you no longer want to deliver the entire quantity picked, it is possible to change this in the Deliver Customer Order with Differences window for lines not connected to any shipment. Query for the order in question, right-click on the line and then click Make Changes in Delivery of Inventory Parts. In the dialog box that appears, enter the required quantity to deliver in the Qty to Deliver field. Click OK, right click on the line and then click Deliver Inventory Parts. Click OK in the dialog box that is displayed. This means that the quantity is no longer reserved. For a shipment, if you no longer want to deliver the entire quantity picked, it is possible to adjust the picked quantity before delivery in four different ways: removal of shipment lines, reassignment of shipment line quantities, reassignment of handling units, or adjustments in the shipment inventory. This means that the content of the shipment is changed and the handling unit structure and the documents must be reviewed again before delivery.


System Effects


Report Picking of Pick List Lines 
Warehouse Task


Related Window Descriptions

Report Picking of Pick List Lines 
Report Picking of Pick List Lines/Details

Create New Reservations
Warehouse Task
Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order
Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order/Details
Input UoM Parameters


  1. Open the Report Picking of Pick List Lines window (from the navigator or from a shipment) or the Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order tab.
  2. Search for the desired order via the Query function. The reserved parts are then displayed in the lower part of the window.
  3. Select the line for the parts you wish to pick report from another inventory location. Select Create Reservations on Another Location in the Operations menu. Create New Reservations then displays the inventory locations on which the parts are available.
  4. Indicate the quantity of picked parts in the Qty to Reserve column at the desired inventory location.

    Note: If the Input UoM Group check box on the Create New Reservations  window is selected, you can enter the quantities of picked parts, in input units other than the inventory unit of measure. Select the line and click Input UoM. In the Input UoM Parameters window that opens, select an input UoM and enter the parameters.
  5. Complete the report by clicking the OK button. The original window then displays the new reservations.
  6. Remove the original reservation line by specifying a zero (0) in the Qty to Pick column. The original reservation line is removed from the confirmation of the report.
  7. To confirm the report of the entire order, right-click in the upper part of the window and then click Report Picking of Pick List Lines.
  8. Click OK to confirm the report in the displayed information box.
  9. If If the parts are serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, a dialog box appears where the serial number(s) that have been picked should be identified. Click OK when completed.
  10. In case the parts are to be delivered into a shipment location, a dialog box displays a default value for the location. If you approve, confirm it by clicking the OK button. If you have access to several shipment locations and wish to place the parts in another inventory, click on the list box to view a display of all existing shipment locations. Select the desired inventory location and confirm by clicking on the OK button.