Receive from Transit


The handling unit or part that is in transit has been placed there because the destination was set to Move to transit when the move was performed. In other words, when the handling unit or part is being transported between two inventory locations, they are placed in transit. While the handling unit or part is in transit, i.e., during transportation, it is not available for reservation.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the handling unit or part is moved from transit to the destination location.


Receive from Transit
Handling Unit
Handling Units in Stock

Related Window Descriptions

Receive from Transit
Handling Unit
Handling Units in Stock


From the Receive from Transit window:

  1. Either populate or query for the required part number.
  2. In the line from which you want to move the parts, enter the quantity in the Qty Received field.
  3. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity in the Catch Qty Received field.
  4. Save the information.

From the Handling Unit window:

  1. Query for the required handling unit.
  2. Click the Structure tab.
  3. Select the handling unit from the tree structure or from the Handling Units tab.
  4. Right-click and then click Receive from Transit.
  5. The handling unit is now moved from transit to the destination location.

From the Handling Units in Stock window:

  1. In the upper part of the window, either populate or query for the required handling unit.
  2. Select the handling unit, right-click and click Receive from Transit.
  3. The handling unit is now moved from transit to the destination location.