Enter Manufacturing Data


This procedure is one of many that you can use to complete the registration of a manufactured inventory part. 

You can enter manufacturing data in the following tabs of the Inventory Part window; Revisions, Manufacturing and Manufacturing MRO. On the Revisions tab, it is possible for you to view and modify information about the different revisions of a part. On the Manufacturing tab you can enter manufacturing-specific attributes of an inventory part. On the Manufacturing MRO tab, basic data for MRO Manufacturing connected to this particular part can be entered.
MRP and PMRP calculation will consider the inventory parts, only if the MRP Control Flag check box selected.

Use this activity to enter manufacturing data on the Revisions and Manufacturing tabs. For procedures on how to enter information on the Manufacturing MRO tab, please follow the appropriate links on the Manufacturing MRO tab window description. 


System Effects

Information on revisions of a manufactured inventory part, and manufacturing-specific attributes of an inventory part are entered.


Inventory Part

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Part
Inventory Part/Revisions
Inventory Part/Manufacturing


  1. In the Inventory Part window, query for the required inventory part record.
  2. Click on the Revisions tab; you can view the information and modify data in the Phase In, Phase Out, Revision Text, Repair Status, Eng Revision and Eng Revision Desc fields if required.
  3. Save your entry.
  4. Click on the Manufacturing tab. Mandatory part attributes will be defaulted; but you can update them now or at a later time.
  5. In the Planning area, define values related to the planning of the part.
  6. If the basic unit for the part is specified in volume or weight, you can enter a value for density in the Density field.
  7. If you want to shop order requisitions and shop orders created for the part to be automatically processed, connect a process type in the Process Type field.
  8. If you want shop orders to close before the entire lot size is received, enter the close tolerance in the Close Tolerance field.
  9. If you want the quantity of succeeding operations and the remaining net supply of the shop order to be adjusted when an operation is over- or under reported for the part, select the Adjust on Op Qty Deviation check box.
  10. In the Structure Defaults area, define the default values you want structure component lines created for this part should receive.
  11. In the Over Report area, define whether operations for the part should be allowed to report with a higher quantity than planned or not.
  12. Select whether the structure and routing revisions for the part should be effective based on dates or serial numbers in the Structure Effectivity and Routing Effectivity lists.
  13. If the part is DOP planned, select up to which shop order status it should be allowed to modify the quantity and dates of a pegged DOP order in the DOP Pegged SO Update list.
  14. If the part is lot/batch tracked, you can enter a lot batch string that will be used as a prefix for lot/batch numbers created for this part in the Lot Batch String field.
  15. Select whether or not an engineering revision is required when manually creating a new part revision in the Engineering Info list.
  16. Optionally assign a manufacturing engineer to the part in the Manuf Engineer field.
  17. Save your entry.

Note: As and when you use the Lead Time Calculation dialog box in IFS/Manufacturing Standards to calculate manufacturing lead times, the four fixed and variable lead time fields on the Manufacturing tab, are updated to reflect the results of the calculation.