Enter Material Requisition Line


The material requisition is built in two levels, consisting of a requisition header and one or more requisition lines. The second step in a new entry is to enter material requisition lines.

For condition code enabled parts, you can specify a condition code in the Condition Code field. The supply code of the inventory part is entered in the Default Mtr Req Supply field on the Inventory Part/Acquisition tab. You can alter between inventory order and purchase order. The supply code indicates whether the part will be issued from inventory or a requisition should be created to purchase the part. However, you can make a single occurrence change on the order line by using the Supply Code list.


System Effects


Material Requisition

Related Window Descriptions

Material Requisition


  1. Click in the lower part of the Material Requisition window, and then click New.
  2. Either enter the part number of the part to be issued in the Part No field or indicate it by using the List of Values.
  3. If you need to specify a condition code for the part, use the List of Values in the Condition Code field to select from among available values.
  4. Specify the quantity needed in the Qty Due field.
  5. You can save the requisition line now if you do not need to change any default values. (Continue to step 7.)
  6. The supply code can either be Inventory Order or Purchase Order. The supply code indicates whether the part will be issued from inventory or a requisition should be created to purchase the part. If you select Purchase Order, you can view the purchase information by marking the line and selecting the Purchase Information in the Operations menu.

    Note: If you intend to connect the material requisition line to a project activity, first set the supply code to Inventory Order, and then connect the line to a project activity. Upon connecting, the supply code will be changed to Project Inventory; if required, you can change it back to Inventory Order
    If you have connected the line to a project activity and set the supply code to Project Inventory, parts can be issued only from the project inventory of the connected project. If you set the supply code to Inventory Order, parts can be issued from standard inventory on behalf of the connected project activity.

  7. Save when completed.