Apply Drop-Off Location


If a drop-off location exists between the from and to location, it is possible to apply it to the transport task line or handling unit.

Note: If the Auto Assign Drop-Off Location on Manual Transport Task check box is enabled on site, the drop-off location will be assigned automatically. For transport tasks created by the system, for example when doing putaway, drop-off location will always be used if one exists.


System Effects

 The transport task line or handling unit will be changed. The to-location will be the forward-to location and the drop-off will be the to-location on the transport task line.


Transport Task

Related Window Descriptions

Transport Task


From the header of the Transport Task window.

  1. Open the Transport Task window.
  2. Populate or query for the required transport task ID.
  3. Right-click on the header and then click Apply Drop-Off Location.

From the Transport Task/Details tab.

  1. Open the Transport Task window and populate or query for the required transport task ID.
  2. Open the Transport Task/Details tab.
  3. Select the Show Single or Show All radio button.
  4. Select a transport task line.
  5. Right-click and then click Apply Drop-Off Location.

From the Transport Task/Aggregated tab.

  1. Open the Transport Task window and populate or query for the required transport task ID.
  2. Open the Transport Task/Aggregated tab.
  3. Select the Show Only Top Level or Show All radio button. 
  4. Select a handling unit or the transport task lines aggregated per location.
  5. Right-click and then click Apply Drop-Off Location.

Note: This can be done both from the upper and the lower pane of the tab.