Decide if Reservation from Transport Task is Allowed


This activity is used to decide whether it should be allowed to reserve from created transport tasks. This can be configured in two ways:

To reserve from created transport tasks is beneficial as you will get less shortages due to movements within the site. In addition, it is useful in order to consolidate all reservations to be moved from a bulk zone to a picking zone to the same transport task. For instance, if you move a pallet from bulk zone to picking zone you want to consolidate all reservations to this pallet to minimize the number of movements.


System Effects

If reservation from transport task is allowed, the automatic reservation logic will consider created transport task lines as available to reserve under the following conditions:

If all the conditions above are fulfilled the transport task line is a candidate to be reserved, however any requirements from the e.g. condition code, ownership, project activity must be fulfilled as well.

When material is reserved from a created transport task lines by Customer Order, Material Requisition or Project Deliverables, then the system tries the best to keep the reserved material on the same transport task. This will be possible when you have complete handling units on the transport task or when the entire stock record is included on the transport task, otherwise the reserved material is removed from the transport task. For all other demands the material reserved from transport task lines is always removed.

More details regarding the automatic reservation logic can be found in the About Reservation Management



Related Window Descriptions

Site/Extended Site Info
Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory
Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/Automatic Reservation
Site/Extended Site Info/Sales and Procurement


To decide if reservation from created transport tasks is allowed in general for all demands:

  1. Open the Site window
  2. Enter new site or search for an existing one
  3. In the Site/Extended Site Info/Inventory/Automatic Reservation tab, decide if reservation from transport tasks is allowed via the Reservation from Transport Task check box.
  4. Save the changes

To decide if reservation from created transport tasks is allowed for customer order:

  1. Open the Site window
  2. Enter new site or search for an existing one
  3. In the Site/Extended Site Info/Sales and Procurement/General tab, in the Reserve from Transport Task list, select if you want to use the general site configuration for all demands, or if reservation from transport task is allowed or not for customer order specifically.
  4. Save the changes