Enter Manufacturer Part Numbers


Use this activity to associate your company's part numbers to manufacturers' part numbers. Each part that you maintain in inventory can be associated with one or more manufacturer part numbers.

If a manufacturer supplies more than one manufacturer part for your part number, you can select one of those manufacturer part numbers to be the preferred manufacturer part. The manufacturer part number must be approved before it can be selected as the preferred manufacturer part number. If you have selected a preferred manufacturer and a preferred part number from that manufacturer, the system will use that part as the default manufacturer part whenever you order that part.

The changes to the Approved field are stored, and the history for the manufacturer part numbers can be viewed at any time.


The manufacturer must be connected to your company part number in IFS/Part Catalog.

System Effects


Manufacturer Part Numbers

Related Window Descriptions

Part/Part Manufacturer
Manufacturer Part Numbers


In the Part/Part Manufacturer tab

  1. In the upper table, select the manufacturer that supplies the manufacturer part.
  2. In the lower table, create a new record and enter the number used by the manufacturer for the part.
  3. Enter any other information you want to specify for the record. (You can update most of the fields in this window anytime.)
  4. Save the record.
  5. If you enter more than one part number supplied by a manufacturer for your part, the system will automatically select the first approved part number entered as the preferred manufacturer part number. You can change the preferred part number to another part number by selecting the manufacturer part record, right-clicking, and then clicking Set Preferred Manufacturer Part No. (The part number must be approved before you can select it as the preferred part number.) If you choose not to have one of the parts selected as the preferred part, you can set the Approved field for the preferred part number to No, save the record, and then set the Approved field back to Yes. This action will clear the Preferred Part check box.

In the Manufacturer Part Numbers window

  1. Create a new record.
  2. Enter your company's part number into the Part No field.
  3. In the Manufacturer No field, enter the manufacturer that supplies the manufacturer part.
  4. In the Manufacturer Part No field, enter the manufacturer's part number for the part.
  5. Enter any other pertinent information about the manufacturer part number in the other fields for this record.
  6. Save the record.
  7. If you enter more than one part number supplied by a manufacturer for your part, the system will automatically select the first approved part number entered as the preferred manufacturer part number. You can change the preferred part number to another part number by selecting the manufacturer part record, right-clicking, and then clicking Set Preferred Manufacturer Part No. (The part number must be approved before you can select it as the preferred part number.) If you choose not to have one of the parts selected as the preferred part, you can set the Approved field for the preferred part number to No, save the record, and then set the Approved field back to Yes. This action will clear the Preferred Part check box.