Create Inventory Transaction Report


This activity is used to create an inventory transaction report. These reports can be generated either manually, automatically or by scheduling. Report generation using this functionality is very flexible in many ways. For example, a report can be created manually each time you perform an operation. This will reflect the exact work done in the system. You also have the option of creating reports automatically for a given time period: a shift, a day or a week. Creating a report one way for number of transactions and the other way for the rest of the transactions is also possible but one transaction can only be connected to one report. The advanced feature enables you to specify additional criteria in formulating the report, e.g. whether to group the transactions by the order or by the warehouse, whether to print the costs on the inventory transaction report.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system generates a transaction report either manually or automatically and also prints the report if required.  


Inventory Transaction Report
Create Inventory Transaction Report

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Transaction Report
Create Inventory Transaction Report
Create Inventory Transaction Report-Additional Parameters


You can create inventory transaction reports either by direct execution (Procedure A) or by scheduling  (Procedure B). 

Procedure A:

To create an inventory transaction report manually from the Inventory Transaction Report window:

  1. Open the Inventory Transaction Report window.
  2. In the Selection Criteria area, the Site and the Transactions Created By fields have values by default. If you wish you can specify a site of your choice by using the List of Values. In the Site field you have the option of creating a new site by using the Zoom functionality.
  3. Populate or search for the desired report type ID in the Report Type field. If you wish to create a new report type you can do so by using the Zoom functionality.
  4. Select the desired warehouse in the Warehouse field using the List of Values.
  5. In the Transactions Created Date/Time area you can change the From and To date/time if you wish.   
  6. Save the changes made.
  7. Click the Available Inv Transactions tab and select the transactions that need to be included in the report. Right-click and then click Connect Inventory Transactions. If you wish to connect all the transactions, right-click on the header area and then click Connect All Available Transactions. Either all or the selected transactions can be viewed in the Connected Inv Transactions tab.
  8. If you wish to remove one or more of the selected transactions, select the required transactions in the Connected Inv Transactions tab, right-click and then click Disconnect Inventory Transactions. If you right-click on the header area and then click Disconnect All Transactions you can remove all the connected transactions displayed in the Connected Inv Transactions tab.
  9. When all the required transactions are connected, right-click on the header and then click Print Inventory Transaction Reports.
  10. If you wish to preview the report before printing, go to Info Services in the navigator and print it via the Archived Reports window.

To create an inventory transaction report automatically from the Create Inventory Transaction Report window:

  1. Open the Create Inventory Transaction Report dialog box.
  2. In the Parameters area, the Site field has a value by default. If you wish you can specify a site of your choice by using the List of Values. 
  3. Specify a warehouse, a report group ID, a report type id and the person who created the transaction  in the following fields: Warehouse, Report Group, Report Type and Transactions Created By using the List of Values.
  4. In the Transactions Created Date/Time area you can specify the from/to date and time.
  5. Select the Print Report check box if you wish to print the report.
  6. Click Advanced to specify the following criteria in the Create Inventory Transaction Report – Additional Parameters dialog box, according to your requirement: For example, you can group records using Group per Warehouse, Group by Order, and Group per User. You can use the option Display Cost on Report Printout if you want the cost to be printed on the report.
  7. Click OK.

Procedure B:

  1. Open the Create Inventory Transaction Report dialog box.
  2. Click Schedule to open the New Database Task Schedule window. Set the scheduling parameters as desired and save. Scheduled tasks can be seen in Scheduled Database Tasks window.
