Inventory Transaction Documents 

General Information

In most of the Central and Eastern European countries, it is required by accounting law to generate a paper document/report for several inventory transactions that affect quantity and/or value. In accordance with this law, all the reports are printed in black and white and approved by signing, since generating a document alone and storing it in the system is not adequate. After the document is authorized by signing, it is stored in the printed form for about a year and electronically for about five years.

Purpose and Area of Use

The paper documents are seen as the originator of the inventory transaction and in many cases they are used as a complement to a voucher and these documents reflect the work done.

Inventory transaction documents are mostly used internally and rarely sent outside the company. Both internal and external documents have more or less the same information except that in external documents the cost transactions are not printed.  

Several different documents exist, each grouping inventory transactions. For example: External Receipt, External Issue, Movement receipt etc.

In order to handle several report types in the same job, Inventory Transaction Report Groups are used. The same report type can be included in several report groups, provided that they are of the same direction.


Report Group Report Group Desc. Report Group Direction Report Type
RG1 Report Group1      + Type1
RG2 Report Group2      - Type4
RG3 Report Group3      0 Type8

Note: The direction(+,-, or 0) will control the transactions the report type can be connected to. The report type can only be connected to inventory transactions with the same direction. It is not possible to change the direction for a particular type once the record is saved. When connecting a inventory transaction report type to a inventory transaction report group, it is possible, only to connect types corresponding to the defined direction of the report group.

(Direction of Inventory Transaction = Direction of Report Type = Direction of Report Group)

As the inventory transaction reports are generated according to a defined numbering series you can keep a track on all the generated documents. The generated Inventory Transaction Reports will be numbered according to the way you have entered the basic data. For example if the reports are to be created per site, the numbering series should only be defined per site and if the reports are to be generated per site and warehouse, it is a must to define the numbering series for both the site and the warehouse.

Key functions

Given below are the five main functions that are involved in generating/printing an inventory transaction report: