Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)

General Information

The GTIN is the globally unique GS1 system identification number for products and services. GTIN helps to automate the flow of goods and information that contains bar codes, RFID tags and electronic communication. The uniqueness and universality of the identifier is useful in establishing which product in one database corresponds to which product in another database, especially across organizational boundaries.

GTIN contains a company prefix that is 6-9 digits long, a sequential number and a control number. Each company acquires a number series based on its needs. This ranges from 1000 to 1000000. A GTIN may be 8, 12,13 or 14 digits in length, represented as GTIN-8, GTIN-12 ,GTIN-13 and GTIN-14 respectively. GTIN-8, GTIN-12 and GTIN-13 is used for identifying the part itself while GTIN-14 is used for identifying different packages of the part.

Below is an example of how a GTIN-13 is built up depending on the number of items the company is about to manufacture:


No of Items

Company Prefix

Sequential Number

Check Digit

















Example: 7311570661038

- 73 is the country prefix.
- 73 XXXX - 73 XXXXXXX is the company prefix assigned by the GS1.
- AAA - AAAAAA is the sequential number.
- C is the check digit.

GTIN-14 has the length of 14 digits and is built up of the package indicator, GTIN of the packaged part and a check digit: YZZZZZZZZZZZZC.
- Y is the package indicator, which is used to indicate the package level.
- ZZZZZZZZZZZZ is 12 digits created from the GTIN of the packaged part excluding the check digit and filled with leading zeros for GTIN-12 and GTIN-8.
- C is the check digit.

The check digit is calculated by using this algorithm:

ID Key format

GTIN-8             N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8
GTIN-12     N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12
GTIN-13   N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13
GTIN-14 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14
Step 1: Multiply value of each position by
  * 3 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 3  
Step 2: Add the results together to create the sum
Step 3: Subtract the sum from the nearest equal or higher multiple of 10

Free Format GTIN:

Some smaller manufacturers do not always have the possibility or do not want to acquire valid GTIN. Those products are still distributed together with other products using the Free Format GTIN series in IFS Applications, ending up at the distributor, wholesaler or retailer. It is possible to enter anything as long as the length is less than 14 characters for GTIN using the Free Format series.

Maintaining GTIN and GTIN-14 per package

In IFS Applications, the GTINs are maintained in the part catalog and then inherited to the inventory part and sales part. The most common occurence is to have one GTIN per part but there are business scenarios requiring several GTINs per part, e.g. standardized items with different manufacturers that you want to stock keep as one part, the original GTIN was erroneous and has been corrected, if the price is changed on pre-priced items, if the item is changed or improved during the life of the trade item, if the company splits into separate companies, etc.

This implies that you can create several GTINs of any series for the part SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) level and to each GTIN of the part you can connect a set of GTIN-14 per package. In order to create GTIN-14 per package the GTIN for the part SKU level must use GTIN series 8, 12 or 13. A GTIN can be created either automatically or manually. The GTIN is owned by the manufacturer, so if you buy the part from another manufacturer you enter his GTIN manually on the part, but if you are the manufacturer of the part you can create the GTIN automatically according to the sequence and GS1 Company prefix of your default company.

Once you create the first GTIN for a part, it will be considered as the default GTIN, but this can be switched to other GTIN at anytime as required. The default GTIN and its connected GTIN-14 will be used for the part when GTIN or GTIN-14 is printed on documents, sent in messages, shown in the application etc.

When you create a GTIN, the Used for Identification check box will be selected. This implies that the GTIN or GTIN-14 can be used for identifying the part when, for instance, you are entering customer orders, receiving incoming customer orders etc. The date when the Used for Identification check box was changed is saved in order to decide when you can reuse an old GTIN again. It is not possible to use the same GTIN for identification for more than one part.

When you create GTIN-14 for packages, you can create them via the package indicator and the GTIN of the packaged part. However, it is possible to manually enter a GTIN-14 if necessary.

Purpose & Area of Use

The purpose is to cover the following processes:

Benefits of GTIN

GTIN improves communication between the customer and the supplier by providing a standard number system.  This benefits the organizations by reducing costs, saving time and increasing accuracy and efficiency. Additionally it promotes automation, increases control and enables goods to be tracked and traced.


Although it is possible to define multiple GTIN numbers for the same part only one GTIN number can be set as default. This is the GTIN that will be printed on documents, shown in GTIN fields in the application, sent in EDI messages etc. The alternative GTINs can only be used to identify the part but will not be saved in the GTIN fields in the application.