Set Affected Parts Complete


When you are finished with defining affected parts for a modification, you can perform this activity primarily to indicate to manufacturing that the work of associating repair codes with affected parts may be started. This will also give you an indication of how much work is completed or remaining of the affected part registration.

An alternative to performing this activity is to connect repair codes to affected parts directly on the modification, prior to transferring the record to manufacturing. When the modification is transferred to manufacturing, connected repair codes will be transferred as well. For more information, refer to the activity Assign Repair Codes to Affected Parts

Note: When a modification is set to the Active status, this activity will be performed automatically by the system.


System Effects


Modification Details

Related Window Descriptions

Modification Details 
Modification Details/Affected Parts 
Define Modification/Assign Part Revisions


  1. Open the Modification Details window and query for your modification and part revision.
  2. Right-click and click Set Affected Parts Complete.