Register Resources for a Task Card or Subtask


This activity is used to register resource requirements for a task card or subtask.

Resource planning on task cards and subtasks is done on the resource group level. This means it is possible to plan groups of persons with the required competency to perform the work and groups of tools or equipment that will be used during the work. For example, a rail engineer is required to inspect the brake system of a locomotive, and will require a test gauge to check the air pressure. Resources with following settings can be planned on task cards and subtasks:

It is possible to plan multiple person groups and tool/equipment groups on a task card or subtask.


System Effects


Task Card
Task Cards per Maintenance Code
Modification Details
Condition Monitoring Program
Task Cards per Fault Function
Serial Part Revision

Post Maintenance Check Definition

Related Window Descriptions

Task Card/Resources
Task Cards per Maintenance Code/Resources
Modification Details/Execution Type Info/Resources
Condition Monitoring Program/Condition Category Info/Resources
Task Cards per Fault Function/Resources
Serial Part Revision/Life Limit/Resources
Post Maintenance Check Definition/Part Revision Info/Resources


Use the following procedure to register resource requirements for a task card:

  1. Open the Task Card window.
  2. Search for the desired task card revision.
  3. Click the Resources tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Demand Type field, select the type of resource, i.e., whether a person group or tool/equipment is required.
  5. In the Resource Group field, select the ID of the resource. Depending on the demand type, the list of values will list all person groups or tool/equipment groups that are valid for use in Maintenance.
  6. In the Planned Quantity field, enter the required resource quantity.
  7. Select the Use for Execution Logic Grouping check box, if the resource is to be used for execution logic grouping. Resources marked to be used for execution logic grouping will be used to generate ELOs (execution logic orders) when grouping on resource on a maintenance order. This check box is only valid for resources with the demand type Person.
  8. Additional information on the resource requirement can be entered in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  9. Save the information (F12).

It is also possible to register resource requirements in the following places. To do this, navigate to the relevant tab, select the required task card revision and continue with steps 3 - 8 listed above:

Use the following procedure to register resource requirements for a subtask:

  1. Open the Subtask window.
  2. Search for the desired subtask.
  3. Continue with steps 3 to 9 listed above.