Maintain Alternates


This activity is used to define alternates or maintain the definition of alternates that are introduced to a template structure by a modification. A modification may introduce a new template alternate, a position alternate or it may require a change to the interchangeability code of an existing alternate.


System Effects


Define Modification

Related Window Descriptions

Define Modification
Define Modification/Structure Impacts
Define Modification/Structure Impacts/Template Alternates
Define Modification/Structure Impacts/Position Alternates


Follow this procedure to define or maintain definition of template alternates which are introduced by a modification:

  1. Open the Define Modification window and search for the relevant modification revision.
  2. Click the Structure Impacts tab.
  3. Click the Template Alternates tab and create a new record.
  4. Select the Allow Alternate Without Modification Compliance check box if the alternate can be used in a structure even when the modification is not complied with.
  5. In the Template Part Number field, use the List of Values to select the template part for which the alternate is valid. The part revision appears automatically in the Template Part Revision field. If needed, use the List of Values to change the template part revision.
  6. In the Installed Part Number field, use the List of Values to select the the part that can be replaced by the alternate.
  7. In the Installed Part Revision field, use the List of Values to select the valid part revision.
  8. In the Interchangeability Code field, use the List of Values to enter or change the interchangeability code. The corresponding interchangeability rule will be used to determine how the alternate can be used.
  9. In the Alternate Part Number field, use the List of Values to select the part that is a valid alternate to the installed part revision.
  10. In the Alternate Part Revision field, use the List of Values to select the valid part revision.
  11. If the interchangeability rule is Qualified Interchangeable, enter a valid approval template in the Approval Template field. Use the List of Values to select a valid template.
  12. Save the information.

Follow this procedure to define or maintain definition of position alternates which are introduced by a modification:

  1. Open the Define Modification window and search for the relevant modification revision.
  2. Click the Structure Impacts tab.
  3. Click the Position Alternates tab and create a new record.
  4. Select the Allow Alternate Without Modification Compliance check box if the alternate can be used in a structure even when the modification is not complied with.
  5. In the Template Part Number field, use the List of Values to select the template part for which the alternate is valid. The part revision appears automatically in the Template Part Revision field. If needed, use the List of Values to change the template part revision.
  6. In the Structure Position field, use the List of Values to select the template structure position for which the alternate is valid.
  7. In the Installed Part Number field, use the List of Values to select the the part that can be replaced by the alternate.
  8. In the Installed Part Revision field, use the List of Values to select the valid part revision.
  9. In the Interchangeability Code field, use the List of Values to enter or change the interchangeability code. The corresponding interchangeability rule will be used to determine how the alternate can be used.
  10. In the Alternate Part Number field, use the List of Values to select the part that is a valid alternate to the installed part revision.
  11. In the Alternate Part Revision field, use the List of Values to select the valid part revision.
  12. If the interchangeability rule is Qualified Interchangeable, enter a valid approval template in the Approval Template field. Use the List of Values to select a valid template.
  13. Save the information.