Enter Affected Parts


This activity is used to define the parts that will be affected when the modification is performed. Each part in the structure of the assigned part, on which inspections or work is performed, and for which it is important to keep a record of performed modifications, must be defined as affected parts. This is necessary since the inspections and/or terminating actions for the modification are performed on affected parts.

If IFS/Complex Assembly MRO is used, the description of the work that is to be performed on each affected part is defined using repair codes. Therefore, if the part affected by the modification is the same as the part to which the modification is assigned, this part must be defined as an affected part in order to enable the connection to repair codes. Repair codes can be connected in the Assign Repair Codes tab whilst planning the modification and/or in the Modification Repair Codes window once the modification is transferred to manufacturing.

The affected part should exist in the structure of the part assigned to the modification. Following data combinations can be used to specify the affected parts for a modification:

  1. Affected Part Number - All occurrences of the part number in the structure will be considered an affected part regardless of the part revision or structure position.
  2. Affected Part Number and Affected Part Revision - The part revision determines if it is an affected part or not. For example, part A with revisions R01 and R02 exist. Part A and revision R01 is entered as the affected part revision. Therefore only revision R01 of part A is considered an affected part.
  3. Template Part Number, Template Part Revision and Affected Structure Position - The part number and revision that is installed in this position is considered an affected part.
  4. Affected Part Number, Template Part Number, Template Part Revision and Affected Structure Position: The part is considered an affected part regardless of the part revision, as long as the given part number is installed in the affected structure position.
  5. Affected Part Number, Affected Part Revision, Template Part Number, Template Part Revision and Affected Structure Position: The part is considered an affected part only as long as the given part number and revision is installed in the affected structure position.

If the modification leads to the change of a part number and/or part revision on an affected part, this activity can be used to enter the new part number and/or revision for the affected part. When a new part number is entered, the serial part identity will be changed automatically once the modification is performed, and will include the new part number and revision.

If the value in the Sign Off field is set to Affected serial marked as complied with, the affected serial for the affected parts is marked as complied with when the modification is performed. This feature is useful when you want to identify the subcomponents that have been modified.


If the modification leads to a part identity change:

System Effects


Modification Details

Related Window Descriptions

Modification Details/Affected Parts
Modification Details/Affected Serial History 


The following procedure is used to enter the part that is affected by the modification:

Note: When entering an affected part on the modification, you are recommended to use one of the five steps detailed above under the section Explanation.

  1. Open the Modification Details window and query (F#3) for your modification that is in the Preliminary status.
  2. Click the Affected Parts tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Affected Part Number field, enter the part number of the part that is affected by the modification. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  4. In the Affected Part Revision field, enter the revision of the part that is affected by the modification. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Template Part Number field, enter the identity of the template part in which the affected structure position is found. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. Note: A value in this field is required when a value in the Affected Structure Position field is entered.
  6. In the Template Part Revision field, enter the revision of the template part in which the affected structure position is found. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  7. In the Affected Structure Position field, enter the identity of the position in the structure which is affected by the modification. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  8. If a history record is to be created for an affected part, select Affected serial marked as complied with in the Sign Off field for the particular affected part row.
  9. Save the record (F12).

If the modification leads to a part identity change on an affected part, the following procedure can be used to enter a new part number and revision for the affected part:

  1. Open the Modification Details window and query for your modification that is in the Preliminary status.
  2. Click the Affected Parts tab and locate the row that contains the affected part you want.
  3. In the Change to Part Number field, enter the new part number you want. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  4. In the Change Part Revision field, enter a valid part revision for the new part number. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the Change to Manufacturer's Number field, enter the manufacturer of the new part number. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. Note: If the manufacturer of the affected part number and new part number is the same, it is not necessary to enter a value in this field.
  6. In the Change to Manufacturer's Part Number field, enter the new manufacturer's part identity. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. When a new manufacturer is entered, the corresponding manufacturer part number must be given.
  7. In the Change to Maint Program ID field, enter the ID of the maintenance program for the new part number and revision of the affected part number, if needed. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. When a new maintenance program is entered, a revision of the program must also be given.
  8. In the Change to Maint Group field, enter the maintenance group for the new part number of the affected part number, if needed. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. Save your changes (F12).